Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Embracing Ramadan

More Districts Closing on Muslim Holidays

This is one example of which I can find dozens. The point being: Our country was founded on Freedom of Religion, not from Religion.

For the love of God/Allah/Obama/Buddah can we please celebrate all religions and not be offended by any of them? 

In my opinion the correct solution is definitely not to erase all relligious expression from the public forum. (and please don't throw separation of church and state out there... do some research first, then post)


  1. I swear this post was not in reaction to this:

    Capitol Visitor Center.

    I happen to agree completely with Sen. Jim DeMint, though probably for different reasons as I am not particularly religious.

  2. Freedom of religion/Freedom from religion.

    That's some real cute parsing of words there, but let's go with it... "Freedom of religion" is not really what the first amendment says, but it's close enough. We're not supposed to pass laws prohibiting people from practicing their religion. Fine.

    But let me ask you this, and I'm only using Christianity as an example because I know it best: Where in Christian scripture does it dictate that you must place large coniferous trees in public places? Where in the bible does it even mention commemorating Christ's birth?

    This "War on Christmas" nonsense has nothing to do with the actual practice of religion and has everything to do with proving that my fairytales can beat up your fairytales.

  3. (and please don't throw separation of church and state out there... do some research first, then post)

    I had to laugh at this, because you tried to throw a point back in my face, but only propped up the argument I was making, that state and local governments are better equipped than the federal government to decide individual school policy. (Never mind that one could argue there's a world of difference between giving people the day off and putting an Xmas tree in the lobby.)

    Tell you what: I'll work on researching before I post if you'll work on actually reading what I'm saying before you tear me down.

  4. "that state and local governments are better equipped than the federal government to decide individual school policy"

    Then why on earth do you have issue with Sate Senator Butters?

  5. "my fairytales can beat up your fairytales."

    That is what I don't get, how can you reduce people's faith to fairytales and ever expect to understand a large portion of the people in this country.

  6. Then why on earth do you have issue with Sate Senator Butters?

    Because giving people the day off seeing as a large chunk of the students won't be there anyway (at home or church practicing their religion privately) is vastly different from the government encouraging the embrace of any religious practice.

  7. That is what I don't get, how can you reduce people's faith to fairytales and ever expect to understand a large portion of the people in this country.

    I don't necessarily reduce an entire faith. But I do think that a large portion of that large portion in fact have no real knowledge of the faith they profess and are just getting into this War on Christmas fight because teevee tells them to.

  8. The root of all these posts goes back a confusion over who is waging the War on Christmas.

    Jimmy thinks its religious people who feel oppressed. I think is people who are not especially religious and see a semi-secular holiday being scrubbed unnecessarily.

    I think we are both right.

  9. Glad we settled that.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my second job, as a PC Police Officer. It's my job to go find a Salvation Army kettle and take a dump in it.
