Thursday, April 30, 2009

You Robbed Him Because He Was Gay!

U.S. House passes "hate crime" bill that Bush opposed

Here's the new justice in America:

Victim A is someone with a regular sexual orientation and "gender identity".

Victim B is a homo who dresses like a girl.

A perp robs and beats Victim A. He is acquitted in state court. Case closed.

The perp then robs and beats Victim B. He is acquitted in state court. The prosecution learns that Victim B is a homo who likes to dress like a girl. The case is brought to federal court and the perp is prosecuted for a hate crime. The perp goes to jail.

It's another victory for the radical liberals controlling our federal government.

...And Justice For All ...Homos


  1. as unconstitutional as it gets.

    freedom of speech is only free if your a leftist.

  2. Come on, you just read the headline right?

    First off, the new law only amends the old law to include victim's sexual orientation, gender identity or mental or physical disability.

    "On a vote of 249-175, the House passed and sent to the Senate a bill backed by the new Democratic White House to broaden such laws by classifying as "hate crimes" those attacks based on a victim's sexual orientation, gender identity or mental or physical disability.

    The current law, enacted four decades ago, limits federal jurisdiction over hate crimes to assaults based on race, color, religion or national origin."

    They are simply updating a 40 year old law enacted under Nixon. Disagree with it in principle, but this has nothing to do with "radical liberals", this is a non-issue.

    Secondly, your example is not a hate crime, and to suggest that the justice system is so easily manipulated is a bit far fetched. Furthermore, most crimes like the one you described rarely result in arrest let alone prosecution, of anything.

    Lastly, the only thing your examples shows is that with the new law, more criminals will get caught.

  3. I agree, especially if the victims are gay.

  4. I like how the title makes sure you know that "Bush opposed it".

    I like this too: "Hate crimes motivated by race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and identity or disability not only injure individual victims, but also terrorize entire segments of our population and tear at our nation's social fabric,"Terrorizing entire segments of our population? Much like affirmative action rewards entire segments of our population. Much like typical liberal divisiveness. I thought all men were created equal? I'm sorry all women too... sorry, and transgenders.

  5. We could learn a lot from the Iranians on this matter. They don't have any homosexuals.
