Thursday, June 25, 2009

What negotiating with madmen gets you

What negotiating with madmen gets you:

Ahmadinejad said, "Mr Obama made a mistake to say those things ... our question is why he fell into this trap and said things that previously Bush used to say."

"Do you want to speak with this tone? If that is your stance then what is left to talk about... I hope you avoid interfering in Iran's affairs and express your regret in a way that the Iranian nation is informed of it,"


North Korea's "armed forces will deal an annihilating blow that is unpredictable and unavoidable, to any 'sanctions' or provocations by the US," Pak Pyong Jong, first vice chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, told the crowd.

State-run newspapers ran lengthy editorials accusing the U.S. of invading the country in 1950 and of looking for an opportunity to attack again. The editorials said those actions justified North Korea's development of atomic bombs to defend itself.

The North "will never give up its nuclear deterrent ... and will further strengthen it" as long as Washington remains hostile, Pyongyang's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper said.

Hahahaha and Iran is calling Obama "BUSH" !

Its a lose-lose situation Barack, that is what you get when you deal rationally with irrational people.

California set to issue IOUs as fiscal crisis weighs...

California set to issue IOUs as fiscal crisis weighs...

California's controller said on Wednesday that he would have to issue IOUs in a week if lawmakers can't quickly solve a $24 billion budget deficit, and the state's treasurer plans to tap a reserve fund to meet debt service costs.

The measures came as a budget crisis deepened in the most populous U.S. state and the gridlocked legislature failed to pass a proposed $11 billion in cuts.

"Next Wednesday we start a fiscal year with a massively unbalanced spending plan and a cash shortfall not seen since the Great Depression," Controller John Chiang said in a statement announcing that he would be forced to use IOUs to pay the state's bills beginning on July 2.

"The state's $2.8 billion cash shortage in July grows to $6.5 billion in September and after that we see a double digit freefall," Chiang said. "Unfortunately, the state's inability to balance its checkbook will now mean short-changing taxpayers, local governments and small businesses."


This is what the federal government is going to look like in 4 years. I'm going to start underpaying my taxes from now on, I don't want to be stuck with an IOU for my usual $5k tax return. When the money runs out they are just keeping more money from the people and businesses that are actually earning money.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What will Obama do now?

North Korea again threatens the US and Seoul.

First of all, this is not the middle east and South Korea is not Israel.

We have 30,000 troops on the border and Seoul has millions of people within short-range missile distance.

Missiles that are now going to be equipped with nukes.

The US is also tailing a vessel that is widely believed to be carrying weapons to the North in direct violation of yet another UN Resolution that is not being enforced or abided by.

Any attempt to board that vessel will be declared an act of war by North Korea.

Regardless, North Korea will lob a missile towards Hawaii. It most likely will miss Hawaii, but there is a chance it lands on Hawaii.

This is different than lobbing a missile over Japan like North Korea has done in the past. They are now nuclear capable.

So what's it going to be Barack? Is this the "test" Joe Biden talked about? Aren't these the kind of situations you are going to talk and negotiate us out of?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is Post-partisanism?

This is Post-partisanism?

Monday, June 22, 2009

When will Obama learn?

When will Obama learn that you can't talk rationally to insane dictators?

In Barack's dreamland there exists a table where enlightened worldly leaders can sit and discuss the various international dilemmas the world faces and together they can come up with the best path forward.

What Barack doesn't understand is that Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez don't give a sh!t if the US reaches out a hand in understanding, the US will always be the imperialist devil.

Look at the latest:
He thinks that if he apologies for America and place nice with the "Axis of Evil" that they will all fall hopeless in love with him like the American public has.

In reality; however, he is pissing of Israel, S. Korea, Japan and England... our allies!

For the love of god the French are making us look weak:

Wake up Barack! Iran is at a tipping point, for the love of god support the to-be-revolution. While you are it beef up your response to N. Korea before they launch a nuke over to Hawaii.



Obama: Iranian charges 'patently false'

President Obama said today that the Iranian regime still has a clear, open path to international acceptance despite the violence of the recent crackdown in Tehran. Obama blasted allegations from some in Iran's government that the U.S. is "instigating protests" as "patently false and absurd.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama Closes Doors on Openness

From Newsweek:

Obama Closes Doors on Openness

As a senator, Barack Obama denounced the Bush administration for holding "secret energy meetings" with oil executives at the White House. But last week public-interest groups were dismayed when his own administration rejected a Freedom of Information Act request for Secret Service logs showing the identities of coal executives who had visited the White House to discuss Obama's "clean coal" policies. One reason: the disclosure of such records might impinge on privileged "presidential communications." The refusal, approved by White House counsel Greg Craig's office, is the latest in a series of cases in which Obama officials have opted against public disclosure. Since Obama pledged on his first day in office to usher in a "new era" of openness, "nothing has changed," says David -Sobel, a lawyer who litigates FOIA cases. "For a president who said he was going to bring unprecedented transparency to government, you would certainly expect more than the recycling of old Bush secrecy policies."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama must speak out on Iran

From our pals at the Communist News Network:

Here you have the brutal repression of political dissent, the suppression of free speech and the beating and gunning down of dissidents. College students are reportedly being beaten in their dormitories by government thugs and threatened with worse if they don't stop protesting.

I'm not talking about sending in the 101st Airborne, or the Special Forces. I'm just talking about Obama doing something that, as we all know, he does awfully well: giving a speech.

The president needs to say to the world that we're choosing sides in this conflict and that we're rooting for the protesters against the people who are trying to beat them into submission and suppress the tides of progress.

The United States doesn't have the luxury of being neutral at a time of moral crisis. America is -- as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright used to say -- "the indispensable nation" that "stands tall" and "sees further into the future."

As Americans, what we see coming out of Tehran should outrage and offend us. Our country is not supposed to sit idly by while the little guy is getting the tar knocked out of him by thugs and tyrants.

Mr. President, you must do better. We don't belong on the sidelines. As the leader of the world's indispensable nation, it's time to stand tall and stand with the people of Iran.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

North Korea tests UN resolution... again

NKorea plans to fire missile at Hawaii on Independence Day...
Gates Orders Interceptors to Island...

I'd like everyone to recall that Iraq challenged and broke 11 UN resolutions and forced a military response and enforcement... of course we all know how that went.

This will be a huge test for Barack. Kim "Licensed to Ill" Jong is going to force Barack into action, I am dying to find out how he reacts.

Barack has been called weak by his own party, the Republicans, the French, the Israelis... the French for christs sake!

Maybe Barack should send in Hans Bllix:

Obama Kills Animals

PETA Says No More Fly-Killing, Sends Obama a Humane Fly Catcher
June 17, 2009 10:55 PM

ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports:

PETA has a few words for President Obama: Brush, don’t kill.

After the President very publically swatted and then killed a fly during an interview with CNBC yesterday, the outspoken animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) said they wished Obama had served a better example.

“We support compassion for the even the smallest animals," says Bruce Friedrich, VP for Policy at PETA. “We support giving insects the benefit of the doubt."

Friedrich says PETA supports "brushing flies away rather than killing them" and was disappointed that the President had gone ahead and squashed the pesky fly.

This afternoon PETA sent a Katcha Bug, a device which traps bugs and allows their safe release back into nature to the White House.

PETA hopes the President will use the catcher but has no far not received communication back from the White House, although they did not ask for specific correspondence.

Friedrich admits that despite his fly-swatting ways, the President has been a champion for animal rights in the past. PETA claims to be pleased by Obama’s denouncement of factory farming, Canadian seal hunting andMichelle Obama’s stance against wearing fur.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The American Barack Channel

The American Barack Channel

ABC: Prescription for America

And Liberals have the audacity to chastise
talk radio, not to mention the nerve to
deny that the network news is hopelessly biased.
I don't really much care that they are biased,
I care that they are so blind to the fact that they are.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Government Motors: An Amerikan Revolution

Great post about Obama and Islam

Yeah yeah, its from FoxNew, but give it a read.

To further diminish American Christianity and inflate Muslim presence here, on June 1st President Obama told French television, “If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” In his speech in Cairo today, he put the number of Muslims in America at 7 million.

According to the CIA World Factbook, there are only 1.8 million Muslims here.  President Einstein miscalculated by almost 400%.

He isn’t even right about the USA Muslim population being “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” Assuming his overinflated number, there are between 30 and 35 countries with more Muslims than we have, and if we stop him from lying and use the real number, the American Muslim community ranks about 50th in size. Certainly not one of the largest.

Obama snubs the French and there is a growing rift with the Germans.

In an ongoing attempt to piss off and snub our allies Obama has done it again.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is Obamunism actually to the Left of New Socialism?

Hugo Chavez: "Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.

Honestly, the funny part is that I have posted on this blog about Hugo nationalizing the banks, media and oil industry. Obama has taken the banks, the auto industry and the insurance industry. He has appointed his own people to be in charge of closing dealerships and his administration is appointing the new board of GM. (not to mention he has forced several CEOs to resign, cap executive pay and his part has passed a bill to retro-actively tax bonuses)

If this was happening in Venezuela we would be outraged, but here in America we just let it happen. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NCR moves to Atlanta area

NEW YORK ( -- Local politicians were fuming after NCR Corp., Dayton, Ohio's only Fortune 500 company, decided to relocate south taking with it 1,200 badly needed jobs to Georgia.

NCR, which makes ATMs, cash registers and retail self-checkout machines, announced plans Tuesday to move its headquarters to Georgia and create a new manufacturing facility there, leaving a community where it had operated for over 100 years.

Ohio had offered NCR a package of incentives worth about $31 million dollars, Fisher said. He added that Ohio "could have matched or exceeded" the $60 million Georgia put up, if the company had been more willing to communicate.

"This was simply a unilateral decision by senior executives," he said, calling the NCR's disregard for the community in Dayton a "shameless irresponsibility."

For its part, NCR said that the decision was based on a broad range of criteria which included "available workforce, infrastructure, incentives given, the government tax structure and benefits to NCR employees, future employees and stakeholders."

A boon for Georgia: The move, which begins in July, is expected to create 2,000 additional jobs in Georgia, including about 1,250 jobs in Duluth, Ga., where the company already has a substantial presence.

NCR said it will begin recruiting immediately to fill roughly 870 jobs at a new facility in Columbus, Ga., where it will manufacture "advanced ATMs." Some employees will remain in Dayton, but the company's former headquarters will be sold.

The company said it chose Georgia after an "extensive analysis" of potential locations based on the nature of the local workforce, infrastructure, financial incentives and government tax structures.

NCR will invest $30 million in the project, and the annual payroll for the new jobs is expected to top $150 million, according to a statement from the office of Georgia's Gov. Sonny Perdue. This level of investment qualified NCR for about $60 million in tax incentives under the state's newly implemented Mega Job Tax Credit.

The region is home to an international airport, cutting-edge research universities, a diverse and educated workforce as well as an excellent quality of life, Williams said. 

Gov. Patterson on Galisano

Fox Business - 7:45pm - June 2nd

David Asman: "Do you think Tom Galisano leaving was a wake up call to New York State?"
Gov. Patterson: "I hope so. It should be."

Even the Governor agrees that NYS is taxing too high.

He continued by saying that he thought NYS was not friendly to business.

The outsourcing of Detroit

Chairman Barack apparently see that the best way to "save or create 3 million jobs" is by sending them overseas:
I can see it now... Chinese businessmen slugging around in gigantic Hummers and Buicks smoking 2 packs a day and laughing all the way to the bank. Suck it Barack!

Meanwhile... The Koreans, Germans and Japanese are setting factories all over the South East employing thousands of Americans. 

The Chinese laugh at Geithner

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Monday reaffirmed his faith in a strong dollar and reassured the Chinese government that its huge holdings of dollar-denominated assets are safe.

"We believe in a strong dollar, Chinese financial assets are very safe," Geithner said. His response drew laughter from the audience.

A major goal of Geithner's maiden visit to China as Treasury secretary is to allay Beijing's concerns that Washington's mushrooming budget deficit and ultra-loose monetary policy will undermine both the dollar and U.S. bonds. China is the biggest foreign owner of U.S. Treasury bonds.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Georgia's Going Blue in 2012


Contact: Matt Carrothers

June 1, 2009

Director of Media Relations

Obama Justice Department Decision Will Allow Non-Citizens to Register to Vote in Georgia

Decision Bars Georgia From Continuing Voter Verification Process

Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel issued the following statement following the U.S. Department of Justice’s denial of preclearance of Georgia’s voter verification process

Atlanta - “The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections. With this decision, DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ lawyers helped to craft. DOJ’s decision also nullifies the orders of two federal courts directing Georgia to implement the procedure for the 2008 general election. The decision comes seven months after Georgia requested an expedited review of the preclearance submission.

“DOJ has thrown open the door for activist organizations such as ACORN to register non-citizens to vote in Georgia’s elections, and the state has no ability to verify an applicant’s citizenship status or whether the individual even exists. DOJ completely disregarded Georgia’s obvious and direct interest in preventing non-citizens from voting, instead siding with the ACLU and MALDEF. Clearly, politics took priority over common sense and good public policy.

“This process is critical to protecting the integrity of our elections. We have evidence that non-citizens have voted in past Georgia elections and that more than 2,100 individuals have attempted to register, yet still have questions regarding their citizenship. Further, the Inspector General’s office is investigating more than 30 cases of non-citizens casting ballots in Georgia elections, including the case of a Henry County non-citizen who registered to vote and cast ballots in 2004 and 2006.

“It is important to underscore that not a single person has come forward to say he or she could not vote because of the verification process. Further, while DOJ argues that the process is somehow discriminatory, the historic voter turnout among Hispanic and African-American voters in the 2008 general elections clearly says otherwise.

“This decision provides a specific example of the inherently illogical and unfair nature of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. It is a sad day for the rights of our state and for the integrity of our elections. I remain committed to continuing the fight for citizenship verification. In the coming days, I will consider every option available to the state, including the possibility of legal action.”


As required by law and ordered by federal courts in October 2008, the eligibility of new applicants to register and vote is checked against the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) and Social Security Administration databases to ensure that individuals registering to vote report similar information. If information in these databases does not match information reported on the voter registration form, the applicant is asked to clarify the information. Additionally, if the applicant previously reported to DDS that he or she is not a U.S. citizen, that person is asked by a registrar to provide proof of citizenship.

Prior to the November 2008 General Election, Secretary Handel sent letters to 4,771 voter registration applicants whose records at DDS indicated they were not U.S. citizens, asking them to provide documentation of their citizenship. As of March 2009, 2,148 of these applicants still have chosen not to resolve the question about their U.S. citizenship.

In the November 2008 General Election, county election officials reported that 599 individuals cast a challenged ballot because the voter had previously indicated to DDS that he or she was not a United States citizen and had not resolved their status with county officials at the time of the election. Of those, 369 ballots were accepted because the voter provided documentation of their citizenship after the election; and 230 were rejected because the individual chose not to confirm his or her citizenship status.

On October 10, 2008, activist organizations including the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to attempt to prevent Georgia from verifying the eligibility of applicants to register and vote in the November General Election, including whether those individuals were citizens of the United States.

On October 16, 2008, U.S. District Court Judge Jack Camp denied the motion by MALDEF and ACLU; directed the State to continue the verification process; and acknowledged the State’s requirements to verify information under the Help America Vote Act. In his order, Judge Camp stated:

HAVA requires that Defendant Handel match information in the statewide voter registration database with information from the Georgia DDS and the SSA databases “to the extent necessary to enable each such official to verify the accuracy of the information provided on the applications for voter registration.”

Judge Camp also stated:

Since the possibility of fraudulent and inaccurate voting could significantly injure and diminish the public’s respect and confidence in the electoral process, the State’s ability to maintain reliable voter lists is paramount to a temporary and minor inconvenience to a few individuals.

On October 27, 2008, a U.S. District Court three-judge panel again directed the State to continue its voter registration verification process and challenge ballot procedures through the November General Election.

The 2008 elections were the largest in Georgia’s history, featuring record turnout among minority voters with the citizenship verification program in place. The figures below represent voter turnout statistics among Hispanic/Latino, African-American and White voters from the 2004 and 2008 General Elections.

Karen Handel was sworn in as Secretary of State in January 2007. The Secretary of State's office offers important services to our citizens and our business community. Among the office’s wide-ranging responsibilities, the Secretary of State is charged with conducting efficient and secure elections, the registration of corporations, and the regulation of securities and professional license holders. The office also oversees the Georgia Archives and the Capitol Museum.