Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What will Obama do now?

North Korea again threatens the US and Seoul.

First of all, this is not the middle east and South Korea is not Israel.

We have 30,000 troops on the border and Seoul has millions of people within short-range missile distance.

Missiles that are now going to be equipped with nukes.

The US is also tailing a vessel that is widely believed to be carrying weapons to the North in direct violation of yet another UN Resolution that is not being enforced or abided by.

Any attempt to board that vessel will be declared an act of war by North Korea.

Regardless, North Korea will lob a missile towards Hawaii. It most likely will miss Hawaii, but there is a chance it lands on Hawaii.

This is different than lobbing a missile over Japan like North Korea has done in the past. They are now nuclear capable.

So what's it going to be Barack? Is this the "test" Joe Biden talked about? Aren't these the kind of situations you are going to talk and negotiate us out of?

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