Sunday, July 25, 2010

Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

I came across this piece today, and it's the first political article I've read in a long time that really made me think and want to post. I have even used the term "Progressive Libertarian" to describe myself, having no idea others do as well.

I especially like the point about non-establishment ideas and groups being co-opted by the ruling powers on the left and the right. Ours is a hopelessly binary system, a ridiculous duopoly cemented in place by leaders with zero interest in affecting any real change. The Carlin quote (bolded below) is a particular favorite of mine.
Amid the perpetual blame-game, both Republicans and Democrats are equally controlled by the same multinational corporate interests whose agenda always moves forward. As George Carlin famously quipped: “It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.”
Heres the whole thing: Can Populists Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm?