Monday, August 24, 2009

No one left to blame...

Press Sec Robert Gibbs has grown more sardonic and patronizing as the summer wears on and Obama’s poll numbers wilt.

The press secretary has lectured reporters on the nature of their jobs — apparently to defend the administration against “misinformation” rather than asking impertinent questions like “How will you pay for it?”

Gibbs is so crabby because, incredibly, the administration blames the media for the president’s problems.

It tried blaming Republicans, but the GOP is too far out of power. When the leader of the free world is complaining about a posting on the former governor of Alaska’s Facebook page, he’s got problems.

Team Obama tried blaming special interests, but that was a bust too.

Democrats tried blaming the “mobs” of “un-American” protesters and “evil mongers” who were giving raspberries to members of Congress at town halls.

That flopped too, leaving the administration to blame the messenger.

And one can understand why Gibbs would be a bit shocked by the slightly less accommodating tone of the media.

Reporters who traveled with the Obama campaign tell horror stories about the organization — dishonesty, rudeness and abysmal access.

Honestly, let's look at the list of people Barack has blamed since taking office:

  • Bush - who set the bar exceedingly low for any President to compare themselves to
  • The GOP - who does not control either house of congress or the Presidency
  • The Insurance Companies and Special Interests Groups - Lobbyists, what?
  • "Un-american" "mobs" who are "disrupting" Town Hall meetings
  • Talk Radio - I find it ironic that the king of new media and main stream media's golden boy feels threatened by AM RADIO!
  • Former Governors of Alaska and Facebook - when you are blaming Sarah Palin and Facebook you know you have lost control of the debate.
  • Rich People
  • a Racist Cop
  • And finally he is now blaming "the media" for his Health Care implosion.

Not to be outdone:

NY Gov. blames his problems on his race...

and that 'The next victim is President Obama'..

and... NY Gov.: People get 'nervous' if there are 'too many' minorities in office...

Sounds like more racial pimpin'

Meanwhile...POLL: New Low for Obama Approval Index...

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