Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obamacare set to raise your kids

ObamaDad to the resuce!

A great peice by our friend Chuck Norris:

It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children."

The bill says that the government agents, "well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

On Page 840: The state "shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families."


I'll paraphrase Chucks comments on this:
  • Well trained and competent staff? We are talking about the federal government right?
  • Who is going to voluntarily go ask the government for parenting help? (hmmm my parents aren't available, my pastor is not available, my friends are not available, i can't read and I don't have the interweb... guess I'll go ask ObamaDad for help. Hey Barry, raise my kids!)
  • One-size fits all parenting??
  • Government run parenting practices? Defined by whom? Who sits on that committee? Is there some board of parenting? Like the school board, but instead of teching history and math they are teaching child rearing best practices?
  • Obama is going to actively identify and prioritize communities that need 'help'? So is FederalMom going to knock on your door and say "ObamaDad thinks you need some help, we are here to tell you what you are doing wrong." So there is going to be some big prioritized list in DC that identifies the parents who aren't up to ObamaDad standards?
  • Low-income families are worse parents? a) that's borderline racist and b) its definitely stereotypes. I would conclude that the opposite is also true, affluent parents are just as bad if not worse than poor parents. The difference between affluent parents and poor parents is that affluent ones are often home less, supervise less, give too much money and not enough attention to their kids.

1 comment:

  1. "About The Author
    Chuck Norris is a columnist and impossible to kill."

    Chuck Norris 2012 !!!
