Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why are anti-Obama citizens un-American?


  1. The Hillary quote says it all. Such a double standard.

  2. Yo, I keep trying to post, but I'm having trouble

  3. Alright, now,

    1) Are you freaking serious? Double standard? That's the exact counter-argument. Anti-Obama protesters are being treated exactly how all protesters are always treated by the side that disagrees with them. This is a non-issue. Iraq war protesters (myself included) were/are treated the exact same way by right-wing media and the republican whitehouse when we were protesting the war (something that necessarily results in people dying BTW)

    So suck if the crap up Beck, why don't cry some more about it. Seriously I can't stand this guy. I used to like him, I even read most of his book, but he's totally lost all my respect.

    He just complained about protesters being called racists after he called the (multi-racial) PRESIDENT OF THE USA a racist.

    Just to be clear, I'm not defending Obama here, I think he's dropping the ball. I'm all for protesting, just like I support protesting the war(s), but seriously grow a pair Beck and realize that it sucks to be on the opposition side, and stop complaining about stuff that you, your network, and party are also guilty of.

  4. I don't believe Glenn or Fox or main stream media crucified any Bush/Iraq/Globalization protesters in the manner Town Hall/Teabaggers are being attacked. I certainly don't recall Bush himself ever condemning or dismissing any protesters.
