Friday, September 25, 2009

Between the Rhetoric and the Reality

“I hear almost daily from men and women who voted enthusiastically for Mr. Obama but are feeling disappointed. They feel that the banks made out like bandits in the bailouts, and that the health care initiative could become a boondoggle. Their biggest worry is that Mr. Obama is soft, that he is unwilling or incapable of fighting hard enough to counter the forces responsible for the sorry state the country is in.”


Yeah, no shit. With additional reporting by N. S. Sherlock.


  1. "Obama is “punking” his supporters with his waffling, reversals and frequent astonishing adoption of Bush’s worst corporatist and military policies."


    "Rather than expressing remorse, the arrogant corporate lobbyists are working over Congress with ferocious demands, fueled by cash-register politics and paid Astroturf rallies back in the Congressional Districts."


    "The corporate supremacists want no changes in the deliberately complex and obscure tax laws favoring the corporate evaders and avoiders and the tax havens for the super-wealthy."

    Ditto. The bullshit that allows Bills Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soro's and the uber-wealthy to pay a LOWER percentage in tax than I do. Reeeeeeallll progressive.

    "The harmony, bipartisan President Obama and his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, have outsmarted themselves. What worked to defeat Hillary Clinton last year has succeeded in splitting the Congressional Democrats into progressives, corporate liberals and Blue Dog Conservatives Republicans can scarcely believe their luck and are busy exploiting these schisms."

    Exploiting being the key word.

    "The Obama voters do not know what they are supposed to support"

    Obama talks a lot but is clear on nothing. Even when he says "Let me be clear" he is vague.

  2. Who wrote that post Jimmy?

    The sad part is that while I know Washington is full of horse shit like that I honestly thought Obama (as much as I disagree with his ideology) would try and bring the country together and cut out the bull shit. I think he exacerbates it.
