News Outlets Largely Ignoring ACORN Scandal, Critics Say

Obama: Fighting Both the Shadow of ACORN and Himself
FOXNews - 1 hour ago
Now, number four tape shows an ACORN employee giving advice to a very young woman who's pretending to be a prostitute. All four videos, shot by a filmmaker ...
Bigger Than ACORN
FOXNews - - 11 hours ago
While it obviously involves ACORN, it's not about, ACORN. We have been telling you for months now, that, as citizens, we need to be focused on the bigger ..
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now has been championed by the President and its organization have formed a central piece of influence within the Administration.
ReplyDeleteAnd they are actively committing crimes. Voter fraud, tax evasion and blatant corruption... all funded by the tax payer.
Not to mention that main stream media didn't cover the Van Jones scandal. They also really didn't care about the dozen or so tax cheats that Obama has in his cabinet. Heck one of them is the Sec of the Treasury!
ReplyDeleteThis President was not fully vetted by the American people or the media. His inner circle was vetted by no one. Full of tax cheats and self proclaimed radicals and socialists (see Van Jones if you don't believe me)