Thursday, September 24, 2009

Walter Mondale.... yep, its racism.

Mondale: Carter's right about race, Obama

Is criticism of Obama racist? Mondale: 'Yeah'Minnesota Independent

Mondale: Racial 'edge' to Obama foes Politico

Asked at an event in Washington late Wednesday whether he agreed with the former president that racism was behind some criticism of Obama, Mondale took a long pause before answering: “Yeah.”

I don't like saying it. Having lived through those years, when civil rights was such a bitter issue, and when we argued those things for years ... I know that some of that must still be around.

I don't want to pick a person, say, he's a racist, but I do think the way they're piling on Obama, the harshness, you kind of feel it. I think I see an edge in them that's a little bit different and a little harsher than I've seen in other times.


  1. I agree because everybody loved and praised Bush for his white-ness. If Bush was black, people might have protested or disapproved of him.

  2. Look at the question he was asked. Is it behind "some" criticism. What's he supposed to say? "Nope! Everything's hunky dory and racism is dead!"

  3. He was asked if he agreed with Carter... his answer was "Yeah".

    I don't think anyone should be agreeing with Jimmy Carter on this issue. Certainly not a former VP.

    Racial pimpin' yo.
