Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Peace Prize analysis

From CNN:

Does 'hope' warrant a Nobel?

Left and right dismiss Obama’s prize

Even the Taliban spokesman thinks its BS:

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said it was absurd to give a peace award to a man who had sent 21,000 extra troops to Afghanistan to escalate a war.

"The Nobel Prize for peace? Obama should have won the 'Nobel Prize for escalating violence and killing civilians'," he told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

Hahaha also from CBS NEWS: Obama, War Council Discuss Troop Levels


  1. Nothing has changed in Iraq, Afghanistan troops levels have increased and are going to increase more.

    Guantanamo is exactly the same.

    He gave one speech about nuclear weapons.

    And his dismantled the missile shield.... but is replacing it with something equally dangerous (just cheaper)

    And his home town is plagued by so much violence they couldn't win the Olympics in 2016.

    At least Gore made a stinkin movie!

  2. But he gives such great speaches. Don't be racist or a terrorist.

  3. The really funny part is that he was nominated for the award 12 days after being elected.

    12 DAYS!!
