Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blago impeachment hearing

Not sure how much of this you guys have been following , but it is borderline insanity. 

The Obama-staff connection to this still won't go away either, but Obama himself remains clean. 

If you haven't seen one of Blago's interviews, you should, they are funny. "Alternate reality" would be putting it mildly. 


  1. This whole story typifies one reason why I have not been able to support the democratic party for over a decade. No group of people is so good at trying to run in two directions at once and shooting themselves in the foot like the DNC. For that yahoo to score such a political coup by getting that other yahoo admitted to the senate, and more importantly the WAY he did it and the way Reid, et al, rolled over like dogs is unconscionable.

  2. Jimmy, I can't say I have ever agreed with you more on this blog.

    Blago called Reids bluff and he did it playing the race card... "unconscionable" is right.
