Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Cult of Personality

The long search for Kennedy's successor

Can someone who voted for Obama please tell me they are sick of the constant comparisons to JFK, MLK, FDR and Lincoln?

Obama hasn't accomplished anything in his career. I sincerely hope that he can walk in the same shoes as these men, but honestly he hasn't done jack. 

Ok, Ok, I know he is inspirational, hope and change and whatnot. If that pumps your nads I'm not going to convince you otherwise. But are we so dense that we can't see the hype for what it is?

The imagery, the hero-worship, the god-like savior, the media fawning, come on people!

The funny part about this Wiki entry is that I had no idea Obama was even mentioned... haha he was.


  1. Dude, he served as a United States Senator and accomplished a great many things. Duh!

    He's a truly transformational leader.

    God bless comrade Stalin! Errr, I mean Obama!

  2. Obama thinks that being a Senator means raising money, running political campaigns, and voting Present.

  3. The conservative butthurt is still palpable.

  4. I will agree and admit that I am sick of all the praise. Shut the hell up and let the man prove himself.

    The difference here I think is that Obama will be torn down. In the end, he is a president of a democratic society, not a dictatorship. And short of being assassinated like JFK and essentially turned into a martyr who did no wrong, Obama will eventually be criticized from both ends of the political spectrum.

  5. Koj makes a great point here.

    There is nothing Americans love more than building people up and then knocking them down.

    Obama will get knocked down, its inevitable, its just a shame that he is being built up so far because the fall is often unwarranted.

  6. Here's a headline from CNN today: "Obama raises hand, lifts a nation"

  7. This link popped up in my Gmail just now: "Obama Stimulus Program - ObamaStimulusProgram.com - Free Gov Funds Now Available. Learn How Much You Qualify For."


  8. ObamaStimulusProgram.com - Free Gov Funds Now Available

    It's a scam. Interesting that Google Ads hasn't removed it yet.

  9. How did you put a link in the comments?

  10. "How did you put a link in the comments?"

    You tell me, Professor. HTML HREF Tutorial.
