Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Messiah Needs To Git Mo Priorities Straight

One of the things that bothers me most about liberals is that they put more importance on the rights of criminals than they do on the rights of law abiding citizens.

States like NY and CA have these ridiculous laws that require a homeowner to retreat from a home invader instead of stopping them with force. Homeowners are often faced with legal and civil charges for defending their families. Why do these liberal douchebag lawmakers waste all of this effort protecting home invaders!? Fuck home invaders. Why don't they worry about homeowners and propose stricter punishments for the criminals.

So with Obama's first executive order [1], he wants to make sure that we cease prosecuting and mistreating terrorists. Guantanamo isn't filled with innocent cab drivers and convenience store owners. They're TERRORISTS. Yes liberals. They're TERRORISTS.

Obama's first order of business is to make sure that we release as many terrorists as possible. Good job!

Obama and his 160 million cult members live in this make believe world where everybody can get along. If we retreat (something liberals love to do!) from the war on terror, we're going to be setting ourselves up for another nine-eleven, or worse. The good people of Gitmo would be excited to see that.

I hope that I never have to say, "I told you so."


  1. Obama better pray we don't have a terror attack. Rightly or wrongly, any weakness will be perceived as the cause of the attack.

    I think it was Joe "insert foot" Biden that said "Obama will be tested within 6 months"

    I think he is right. Russia, Korea, Iran ... they are going to test Obama to see what they can get away with. They will challenge the US to see what Obama will do.

  2. Obama better pray we don't have a terror attack. Rightly or wrongly, any weakness will be perceived as the cause of the attack.

    "Perceived" by the same people that say Bush "inherited" the 9/11 attacks? Gotta love this binary musical chairs bullshit...

  3. Jimmy, I think you are missing my point here.

    If Obama shows weakness (which I think he has, rightly or wrongly, he is obviously not as hardline as Bush on terror, that is why many people elected him), but he will be tested (thanks Biden) because our enemies will want to know how far they can push Obama.

    The question will be: How does he respond?

    Will he pussy foot around in negotiations while American citizens suffer? (see Jimmy Carter)

    Or will he rain down bombs over Baghdad? (see Outkast)

    "Perceived" by the same people that say Bush "inherited" the 9/11 attacks?

    Ha! You prove my point! MOST Americans believe, rightly or wrongly, that Bush caused 9/11.

    Just like most people will perceive Obama's weakness as the cause of the next attack.

    I didn't say it was right or that I agreed with it, but Barack could avoid the Jimmy Carter sissy label if he bucked up.

  4. Ha! You prove my point! MOST Americans believe, rightly or wrongly, that Bush caused 9/11.

    LOL WUT? No, I was pointing out that the 22 percenters who still approved of Bush in his last days latched onto two talking points: 1.) History will be the judge of him. When we're all dead, conveniently and 2.) Bush had "inherited" 9/11.

    And besides, we all know Saddam Hussein caused 9/11.

  5. Oh, so those were the only 2 reasons people still approve of Bush in his final days?

  6. Yes, Michael. As I clearly stated above, those were, exclusively, the only two reasons people approved of Bush in his final days. There are absolutely no others.


  7. To make the jump that closing Guantanamo means letting everyone go is a huge fallacy. The point is to uphold American values of due process, which a large number of individuals in Guantanamo have not received. Not to mention that the whole camp violates the Geneva Convention, and not just for torture. If you missed all the news about the hundreds of innocents who have been detained for years, you can hit up wikipedia.

    The detainees at Guantanamo will face justice.
