Friday, January 9, 2009

NAACP ... boo hoo.

Does this look like slavery to you? 

Looks like a really bad Easter parade to me.  

State NAACP President Edward Vaughn objects to having Mobile's Azalea Trail Maids as Alabama's only group in the upcoming presidential inaugural parade, saying they remind him of slavery days — a characterization that Trail Maids supporters decry.

Vaughn said he thinks that Alabama will be a "laughingstock" at the Jan. 20 inauguration. He made his comments in a front-page Montgomery Advertiser story published Thursday

Vaughn suggested that the Trail Maids' costumes — hoop dresses with matching bonnets and parasols — reflect the state's slavery past and have no place at the inauguration of the first African-American president, Barack Obama.

Really?! The NAACP has nothing better to do? This is the racial injustice they have been reduced to bitching about? Last I checked the inauguration IS FOR A BLACK MAN. Leave it to the NCAA to cry racism during the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. 

This year's Trail Maids include eight black members, two maids of Indian descent, one Asian and 39 whites, said Andy Marasca, president of the group. Marasca said he learned of Vaughn's concerns from local media.

Wow, that sounds almost demographically accurate for 2009 America. Those racists!! They are going to be a laughingstock!


  1. I know! They sound so uppity, don't they??

    Alabama's already a laughingstock, for plenty of better reasons than this. The US should be like Premier League Soccer and kick out the underachievers.

  2. Haha that is exactly what I was thinking!

    This is what you are embarrassed about?!

    Hoop skirts, boooo!

    Fattest people, yeaaaa!!!

    Bonnets, boooo!

    Crappy high schools, yeaaaa!!!

    MLK is rolling over in his grave.

  3. "He made his comments in a front-page Montgomery Advertiser story published Thursday"

    I only got one thing to say about that.

    Montgomery, flea market, oh yeah, you can find them.

    It's just like, it's just like, a mini, MALL

  4. Mini mall, lol. That video was priceless.

  5. Honestly, I think the Diabetic Association of America should be more offended by the colors of those dresses. They look like cotton candy. Or the Colorblind Association of America.
