Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Ammo for the Gun Grabbers

Gunman Turns Small Alabama Town Into Slaughterhouse

It was later determined that McLendon was armed with two high powered assault rifles, a Soviet-made SKS and a Bushmaster. He also had at least one . 38 caliber pistol, police said. He fired more than 200 rounds, police said at a news conference today.

Gotta love the media sensationalization of every shooting.

The SKS is not an "assault rifle" even by the Clinton ban standards.

If he wanted to kill a bunch of unarmed relatives and neighbors, he could have done so with any weapon, such as a non-assault rifle, bat, knife, etc.

We need to ban crazy people.


  1. I partially agree with you here. It really bothers me when media misrepresents facts about controversial topics (most conversations about cannabis are largely incorrect for example) that only people who know about the topic (and are usually responsible citizens) know are incorrect.

    Here's a good video explaining the silliness of "assault rifle" definitions:

    However, this begs the question: If these guns are not assault rifles, but were used in a horrible crime that ended in the death of civilians, maybe those guns should be considered assault rifles (I don't think so, I'm just saying it doesn't help the argument)

    my 2 cents,


  2. I've always believed that any gun is super dangerous. Putting accessories or pistol grips on it doesn't really increase how lethal it is.

    I mean, would you like to be shot with a .22? That's the smallest caliber I know of and it's probably going to kill you if it hits something important.

    Someone can go on a rampage with a .22 and kill dozens of people. It doesn't have to be an AK.

    So banning some guns just means that the crazies will use other guns.
