Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama 'just plain rude' to UK...

PAPER: Obama 'just plain rude' to UK...

Way to go Team Obama!

In less than 2 month you have pissed off England, France, China, Russia, Eastern Europe and Israel all while Venezuela, Syria, Iran and N. Korea still hates us. 

Snub England, start a trade war, alienate the newist Democracies in Eastern Europe, 'bailout' Hamas with $900 million... 

All while giving absolutely ZERO confidence to the country. 

At least Bush only pissed off our enemies... Barack is actually pissing off our allies! 

Did I mention that yet again another one of your cabinet appointees has a tax problem?? 


  1. Oh I forgot, I'm super happy that my taxes are now not only being spent on people who don't pay taxes, but also on people who don't pay their mortgages and live in bigger houses than mine.

  2. oh come on "At least Bush only pissed off our enemies... Barack is actually pissing off our allies! "

    Our allies? America had the entire world (minus Islamic extremists) as allies after 9/11, everyone wanted to help and he single handedly alienated every one. Say what you will about Obama, but come on, Bush is the master of pissing off our allies.

  3. So you are using Bush as your benchmark?

    Nice... I'm glad you feel that Barack isn't as bad as Bush in international relations... real achievement there.

    Sooner or later the Obama faithful will have to stop using Bush as their measuring stick, especially since Obama is supposed to be the Saviour.

    Matt, funny how you have been absent for a month while the economy has imploaded, but find the time to pipe in when a half-ass comparison to Bush is made. Heaven forbid we tarnish Obama's reputation with Bush comparisons! Silence the opposition! (see next post)

  4. Throughout the election, Obama supporters couldn't name one reason why they supported him. They would just repeat things said in Obama commercials or reasons why they don't like Bush.

    Last week I heard one guy say he voted for Obama "because he's a moderate." Yeah good thinking. Real moderate.

    I think the reality of politics is that most people are stupid. If people weren't stupid they could support themselves and get good jobs. America is falling victim to stupid people trying to make the rest of the country just as helpless.

  5. I actually have some stuff on the economy I think you'll agree with (see other posts) but YOU'RE the one that was using Bush as a benchmark. That's amazing how you flipped that one around on me. I mean really, you made the point, I made the counter point, yet I'm at fault for the comparison that you made, simply amazing.

    I say this with all sincerity, you should be a politician Michael. Seriously, you ever thought about running for office? (that's really not sarcastic)
