Thursday, March 5, 2009

Slience the Opposition!

Slience the Opposition!

Obama and the Democractic leadership are directly going after Rush, Hannity and even Jim Cramer! Cramer is the Chariman of and host of Mad Money on CNBC and has recently been, oh no, critical of Obama and The White House. CNBC's Rick Santelli has also been critical and the Team Obama is already getting silenced by CNBC.

I cant believe that we are actually living in a world where politicans are stepping up attacks on their critics... what is the point of the media, the free press, the internet, if not to be the voice of the opposition? 

Is Team Obama so sensitive and protective of their image that it warrents stooping to these levels?

Scary stuff kids...


Limbaugh: White House 'Playing Manipulative Games With Washed Up Talking Heads Targeting Me'... 

Jim Cramer: My Response To The White House...


  1. Where's the news link here? How are they "going after" these guys?

  2. I think that's a little overblown, politicians have their agenda, they're not supposed to like people who don't support their agenda. However, I'm a huge Jim Cramer fan, that guy is the man (maybe because he reminds me a of Mr. Staffeld from RH, anyone have him for AP Economics?)

    He's a little more "enthusiastic" in his position than I, but I more or less agree with what he says here:

    Also, does anyone watch Wine Library TV with Gary Veynerchuk?

    He's basically the Jim Cramer of wine and they've both been on each others' shows.

    But I basically agree with his editorial on Obama. I also wish Obama had gone moderate and not more left. I support most of the things Obama is trying to do, individually, but in this time and place, I think it's dangerous. I think Jim Cramer is a great example of a moderate democrat. It almost seems like there should be a completely different party that is in the center. I feel conflicted all the time. I want fiscal discipline, I also don't care if gay people get married. How did those things become polar opposites, they have nothing to do with each other.


  3. Koj: Links posted.

    Honestly the Obama-voters are cracking me up right now. The economy is in a nose dive and Jay and I have been posting daily reports of the carnage and ridiculousness and the best you can do is pipe in on the minor issues of the day?

    I want some really honest defense of Obama's policies before you fact check on the minor posts of late.

    One month of outrage and no real support for Obama from any of the Obama-voters.

  4. " (maybe because he reminds me a of Mr. Staffeld from RH, anyone have him for AP Economics?)"



    " I support most of the things Obama is trying to do, individually, but in this time and place, I think it's dangerous. "

    You hit the nail on the head. (I think Cramer has also made that point)

    And I agree that all politicians have their agendas, but Obama is making his agenda very public. Its going to backfire too, it backfired when the Democrats took on Rush in the 90's.

    Rush has the largest radio audience in the country... does it come of any surprise that the Democrats fear him? It so transparent. If the world of radio was dominated by NPR or AirAmerica do you think anyone would be trying to silence it?

  5. A) They're not attacking Cramer. Nothing ever said they are, only Rush said "They're going to shut Cramer up pretty soon, too, but he'll go down with a fight." I don't see where Rush got that opinion, but I don't think Rush needs any facts to make statements.

    b) I commented on this one in particular because it is overblown to the point of being nearly baseless. Nobody is being silenced. Rush is being demonized as the bad guy straw man of Republican America, and he is cooperating nicely.

    c) Most of the other posts are purely opinion pieces. They and you have the right to an opinion.

  6. Koj, you are just plane wrong here.

    Robert Gibbs, Obama's press sec, directly addressed Cramer comments by saying: "If you turn on a certain program it's geared to a very small audience. No offense to my good friends, or friend at CNBC. But the President has to look out for the broader economy and the broader population."

    More from Gibbs: " "the basis for what Mr. Cramer said, I'm not entirely sure what he's pointing to to make some of the statements that he's made. I think you can go back and look at any number of statements that he's made in the past about the economy and where some of the backup for those are, too."

    Gibbs on Santelli: "Mr Santelli doesn't know what he's. talking about,"

    New link posted, geezuz

  7. Pelosi and the Democratic leadership are creating a coordinated campaign against their opposition.

    And that would be fine if they were going after political opposition... but this includes private citizens.

    >>I don't see where Rush got that opinion


    The Democratic leadership has created an enemies list and every time Obama, Gibbs and Emmanuel come out and criticizes and dismiss honest dissenting opinion in public forums they are placing people on this list.

    The DNC is going after these people, they are putting pressure on the networks to silence them, they are circulating campaigns to discount them.

  8. Obama is the best president ever because Bush is bad. Plus he's black, so he's super awesome at being president. And Puff Daddy likes him. Therefore I like him.

  9. I don't think those comments about Cramer count as attacks, and they certainly don't warrant the bad photochop of Obama beaming red lasers from his eyes at him. The press asked about Cramer, Gibb responded by trying to downplay it. End of story. He's not on any enemy list for christ's sake. There is no enemy list. Rush is the only person to ever claim there was an enemy list. And where is the pressure to silence them? All I see in article after article is overreaction to a couple comments from the press secretary.

  10. >>There is no enemy list.

    Really? You didn't read the quote where Gibbs called these people "enemies".

    You didn't read the article about Carville, Pelosi, Begala and the DNC coordinating a campaign to silence Rush?

    Koj, for real, you asked for link, read them.

    Gibbs, who speaks on behalf of Obama, said that opposition and dissenting opinion from public people make them enemies of the Administration.

    From the get go the Admnistration has been going after Rush (see posts from last month) which has no spilled over into respected professional financial experts... that is just plain messed up.

    Why would the Administration respond this way?

    Yeah, Gibbs was asked about it, but how about a reply as bland and non-confrontational as "The President is considering all advice and opinions by experts in the financial world and we welcome any advice Cramer and Santelli can provide."

    or just say "we understand that there are different views on the solution to our crisis, i can assure you that we are working to form a consensus" ... done.

    Seriously! The Obama Administration (and Nancy and Co.) is being unnecessarily provocative to opposition. That maybe "just politics" but it is what Obama promised he would stop.

    I do not see any of this helps Obama create the bipartisan/nonpartisan environment that will get things done.
