Friday, August 14, 2009

ABCNEWS: Fear Grows for President's Safety as Hate Groups Thrive...

ABCNEWS: Fear Grows for President's Safety as Hate Groups Thrive...

The hypocracy is maddening...

How is this:

Any differnt that this:

Barack gets a little heat and some noisy protesters an all
of a sudden we are on Obama-death-watch.


  1. It was a national pastime to be in a Bush-hate-group.

    But go to a town hall and protest health care and look out!

  2. Look who's picture they have on that article. He's a racist hate group member? In his interviews he sounded like an intelligent regular dude.

    Why is opposing liberal extremism a hate crime all of a sudden? Oh you don't want socialism? Racist!!!!
