Friday, August 14, 2009

Mystery continues...

White House will not tell us who is on their distribution "list" or how these people got on this "list".

Unsolicited E-Mail on Health Care

Mystery distribution list is sending unsolicited propaganda to American citizens.

Obama is spamming us with propaganda while simultaneously asking you to report and flag the opposition.

FoxNews Blog - leave a comment here if you've received an unsolicited email from Obama or Axelrod


White House Passes Blame For Unsolicited E-Mails

In a FOX News exclusive, the White House blames third-party groups for health care e-mails

Update: White House will change e-mail rules

The White House said Sunday night that it will change its e-mail sign-up procedures after some recipients of a health-care e-mail complained that they had not asked to receive updates.

“We are implementing measures to make subscribing to e-mails clearer, including preventing advocacy organizations from signing people up to our lists without their permission when they deliver petition signatures and other messages on individual’s behalf,” spokesman Nick Shapiro said in a statement Sunday night.

After a few such recipients appeared on Fox News, White House officials determined that advocacy groups on the right or left could have sent in the names without the person knowing it.

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