Tuesday, February 24, 2009

$410b in new spending! And higher taxes! Awesome!

House Democrats propose $410B spending bill

House bill to keep govt. running totals $410 billion, features thousands of pet projects

The measure includes thousands of earmarks, the pet projects favored by lawmakers but often criticized by the public in opinion polls. There was no official total of the bill's earmarks, which accounted for at least $3.8 billion.


Obama's Budget = New taxes on the "rich" and businesses

President Obama is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious first budget that seeks to cut the federal deficit in half over the next four years, primarily by raising taxes on businesses and the wealthy and by slashing spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, administration officials said.


Can you say "tax-and-spend-liberalism" ? 

I'm glad to see the JV squad really executing the playbook here. Did Team Obama read Liberalism for Dummies? Seriously, its like they have no clue what they are doing. 

"So what now? Gee I don't know, go to the chapter on taxes... oh, it says here we are supposed to raise taxes on evil corporations and wealthy people... and the next chapter says that we should give handouts and welfare to people who didn't pay the taxes... then it says you should complete your first 100 days by rewarding your supporters with pet projects and earmarks... (oink, oink) hey did you hear that? Don't worry about it, the next chapter says that earmarks and wasteful spending might sound like pork but have no fear, that is only AM Talk radio propaganda, that is really the sound of stimulus!"

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