Monday, February 9, 2009

Barack is back on the campaign trial

Barack is “campaigning” to rally support for Porkulus.
Does he really think he is back on the campaign trail? 

Last I checked the House and Senate propose bills and the President 
signs them into law. So what the hell is Obama doing campaigning for
legislation? Shouldn’t he be doing presidential things like having 
negotiations with Iran, ending the war  in Iraq, fixing social security… 
and giving us “hope”?   
Its like Barack has been in campaign-mode for so long that he doesn’t know how to stop.   

This is exactly why you need someone with executive experience 
as President. The executive is the leader and is used to forming 
coalitions and reaching consensus. For all of Bush’s faults at least 
the man had bi-partisan support (tax cuts, Afghanistan, Iraq, the surge etc etc)  

1 comment:

  1. Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C) has further ingratiated himself with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — not — by declaring that Pelosi and Harry Reid "failed" the bipartisanship test on stimulus.

    "In order for us to get the confidence of America, it has to be done in a bipartisan way," Shuler said in Raleigh following an economic forum, according to the AP.

    "We have to have everyone — Democrats and Republicans standing on the stage with the administration — saying, 'We got something done that was efficient, stimulative and timely.'"

    Here's the kicker: "I truly feel that's where maybe House leadership and Senate leadership have really failed."
