Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daschle: one of three appointees with tax problems

Daschle: one of three appointees with tax problems

If you haven't heard, yet another Obama appointee hasn't paid his taxes. 
The funny part is that Obama's Treasury Sec didn't pay his taxes either.

Any rate, that is not why I posted this...

Check out Daschle's eye glasses! 
The ethics committee should also 
answer to the fashion committee... 
looks like Daschle answered to 
Queer Eye for the Straight Senator


  1. I know wtf.

    Obama wants us to pay more taxes and he is hiring people who make waaaaaay more than I do and they don't pay their taxes... and wear red glasses, who the hell does Daschle think he is? Elton John!

  2. I'm mixed about the tax thing. My gut is saying "wtf find some people who are honest for christ sake." But on the other hand, these people were never arrested for tax evasion or anything. Without a criminal investigation, is it fair to condemn them? I'm a big fan of "innocent until proven guilty." Now I doubt they are all completely innocent, but also, when you make that much money - streams of income from several sources, private business, owning several properties, employing people on said properties - I imagine the taxes get real confusing real fast. Maybe tax mistakes of this type are just really common in the upper class? I don't know, I'm just thinking aloud; I don't know anyone who makes that much money to ask.

    And I like the glasses because I will always remember who that is now. Too many politicians are "old dude in a navy suit", so they all look the same.

  3. I imagine the taxes get real confusing real fast.

    Yeah, so is Medicare, the tax code and the treasury ... but I'm sure these guys can handle it, do they make TurboTax for the federal budget?
