Monday, February 2, 2009

Word from the World Economic Forum in Davos

I highly doubt anyone is following the WEF in Davos, but the prevailing sentiment is very (and not surprisingly) anti-American...

But one quote stood out that I thought was great. It is in regards to the hope and change Obama has brought to the country:

"If GM got a new CEO, does that mean people would suddenly want to buy their cars?"


I find it very funny that after a decade foreigners condemning American capitalism and American globalization and American culture imperialism that now, when we have a crisis, they are condemning American protectionism and withdraw. The minute America does some very European things (bailouts, subsidies, nationalizations) these very Europeans crucify us. 

...interesting side note: Obama's delegate to Davos? Anyone Anyone?  Valerie Jarrett. Yep, same Valerie that Obama wanted Blago to replace him in the Senate. Kind of ironic huh? 

1 comment:

  1. They support the change that "he represents". haha

    But not the actual changes that are taking place.
