Friday, February 6, 2009

This is non-partisan?

Harry Reid: "our No. 1 goal is to pass this bill. So as I explained …they cannot hold the president of the United States hostage. If they want to work constructively, we will work with them….If they think they’re going to rewrite this bill, Barack Obama is going to walk away."

Walk away? Take it or leave it? 

Hey Harry, they are working constructively:

The two major Republican alternatives – costing less than the administration’s plan – remain stymied as well. A $421 billion stimulus package—heavily tilted toward tax cuts and offered by the president’s old rival, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — was rejected 57-40 Thursday. A second GOP option, focused more on housing issues, fared even worse, going down 62-35.

These alternatives have Democrat support.

Obama is taking the "my-way-or-the-highway" appraoch. Its cocky and arrogant and flys in the face of the principles he was elected on. 

Tax cuts and freemarkets are the only things that can solve this. More spending and protectionism (buy american) will only dig us deeper. 

Obama's own party is not even in agreement on Porkulous. The Republicans and all economists are against this. 


  1. Sorry for the hyperbole... MANY economists are against it for which I haven't heard ANY economist come out and support Porkulous.

    Leading Economists Against Porkulous
