Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obama: The Vietnam moment...

ABC: $160,000 Per Stimulus Job? White House Calls That 'Calculator Abuse'...

ABC: $160,000 Per Stimulus Job? White House Calls That 'Calculator Abuse'...

The White House argues that the actual job number is actually larger than 640,000 -- closer to 1 million jobs when one factors in stimulus jobs added in October " Vice President Biden said today.

So let's see. Assuming their number is right -- 160 billion divided by 1 million. Does that mean the stimulus costs taxpayers $160,000 per job?

Jared Bernstein, chief economist and senior economic advisor to the vice president, called that "calculator abuse."

It gets better...

Of the 640,329 jobs cited today, White House officials said 80,000 were in the construction sector and more than half -- 325,000 -- were education jobs, despite President Obama's claim in January that 90 percent of the stimulus jobs would be in the private sector.

Half the jobs saved were education jobs?? How does that stimulate anything?!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

More from Faux News affiliate Cash for Clunkers

Cash for Clunkers Results Finally In: Taxpayers Paid $24,000 per Vehicle Sold, Reports

SANTA MONICA, Calif. — October 28, 2009 —, the premier resource for online automotive information, has determined that Cash for Clunkers cost taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle sold.

Nearly 690,000 vehicles were sold during the Cash for Clunkers program, officially known as CARS, but analysts calculated that only 125,000 of the sales were incremental. The rest of the sales would have happened anyway, regardless of the existence of the program.

Ironically, the average transaction price for a new vehicle in August 2009 was only $26,915 minus an average cash rebate of $1,667.

"This analysis is valuable for two reasons," explained CEO Jeremy Anwyl. "First, it can form the basis for a complete assessment of the program's impact and costs. Second—and more important—it can help us to understand the true state of auto sales and the economy. For example, October sales are up, but without Cash for Clunkers, sales would have been even better. This suggests that the industry's recovery is gaining momentum."

The chart below sets forth actual SAAR (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate) compared to's forecasted rate if the program had never been implemented.

"Our research indicates that without the Cash for Clunkers program, many customers would not have traded in an old vehicle when making a new purchase," Senior Analyst David Tompkins, PhD told "That may give some credence to the environmental claims, but unfortunately the economic claims have been rendered quite weak."

To conduct the analysis, the team of PhDs and statisticians examined the sales trend for luxury vehicles and others not included in Cash for Clunkers, and applied the historic relationship of those vehicles to total SAAR to make informed estimates. These estimates were independently verified through careful examination of sales patterns reflected by transaction data. Once the numbers were determined,'s analysts divided three billion dollars by 125,000 vehicles to arrive at the average $24,000 per vehicle.

Coincidentally, a parallel analysis of the first-time homebuyer credit was reported yesterday by MIT Sloan Professor Simon Johnson and Yale law student James Kwak, who both blog about economics at The BaseLine Scenario.

The White House responded quickly. Lumps Edmunds in with Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the KKK: Busy Covering Car Sales on Mars, Gets It Wrong (Again) on Cash for Clunkers

Edmunds fires back: Responds to White House Comments on Cash for Clunkers Analysis

It's good to see that the White House has their priorities straight. We must fight the War on Dissent!

Maybe Obama should pose with some more coffins. Those photo ops are really good for his presidential campaign.

$24K per vehicle sold. We need to extent this program! Super efficient government economics! The GDP rose eleventy billion percent this quarter!

CBS (a real news source) ... White House fudging job numbers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009



New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers -- and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows.

More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008, according to the report from the Empire Center for New York State Policy. It was the biggest out-of-state migration in the country.

The vast majority of the migrants, 1.1 million, were former residents of New York City -- meaning one out of seven city taxpayers moved out.


Got Perfect Credit? You Could Be Charged For It!

Got Perfect Credit? You Could Be Charged For It!

Loraine Mullen-Kress carries a Bank of America credit card and religiously pays off her balance.
"Flawless credit," she boasted.

Yet now, her good credit habits could cost her. Earlier this month Bank of America started notifying customers like Mullen-Kress that they will be charged a new annual fee of $29 to $99.

"There is a big segment of their population that they will have never made money on, which is people who pay their bills on time every month," said Ben Woolsey, Director of Consumer Research at

Bank of America said in a statement: "At this point we're testing the fee on a very small number of accounts and haven't made any final decisions." Citigroup is also trying out an annual fee with some card holders, and analysts expect more banks to follow their lead.

The banks are starting to charge fees to reliable customers in response to a slew of new credit card industry regulations that will limit when banks can hike interest rates.

Thanks Barack!

Real news? or Bad News?

CNN Drops to Last Place Among Cable News Networks...

CNN during prime time is just as opinionated as FoxNews or MSNBC... but its boring and liberal.

No one had a problem when Larry King was ruling the ratings for a decade... but suddenly when Hannity and Beck are taking the lead FoxNews is no longer a "real" news network.

Is CNBC not a "real" financial network because they like Capitalism? CNBC is sooo biased, all they do is talk about the stock market and making money, it needs to be more balanced and have "real" news about socialism and philanthropy.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama strategy: Marginalize most powerful critics

Obama strategy: Marginalize most powerful critics

President Obama is working systematically to marginalize the most powerful forces behind theRepublican Party, setting loose top White Houseofficials to undermine conservatives in the media, business and lobbying worlds.

With a series of private meetings and public taunts, the White House has targeted the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the biggest-spending pro-business lobbying group in the country; Rush Limbaugh, the country’s most-listened-to conservative commentator; and now, with a new volley of combative rhetoric in recent days, the insurance industry, Wall Street executives and Fox News.



This article was highlighted on Meet the Press today.

NBC uber-libs including Joe Scarborough and Tavis Smiley all agreed that:

  1. Great presidents aren't born, they are made. They are made by being held accountable. And that is what Fox is doing and that is why other outlets are following their lead.
  2. The strategy of marginalization is not working. FoxNews ratings are through the roof.
  3. Taking on your critics is nothing new. All Presidents do it. But Obama is doing it very publicly and too directly. Also, Obama promised to be above this and to change the politics of Washington.
The panel continued by saying that he has been wishy washy.

A fascinating final point... Obama's brought on his current health care problems when he bullied through the Stimulus. By passing a $1 trillion stimulus with no bi-partisan support he put his Administrations credibility on the line and there is no results that back up his promises.

Some points on Afghanistan:

  1. Obama is "dithering" on troop increases
  2. Obama called this war a "war of necessity"
  3. Obama removed the commander in Afghanistan and replaced him with McChrystal
  4. Obama is publicly not supporting McChrystal (who he appointed as part of his new strategy)
  5. Our allies are supporting the McChrystal plan
I have to say Meet the Press was very balanced and the liberals we actually holding him accountable.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Obama won't attend Copenhagen climate summit

With healthcare reform clogging his domestic agenda and no prospect of a comprehensive climate treaty in Copenhagen, Mr Obama may disappoint campaigners and foreign leaders who have urged him to attend to boost the hopes of a breakthrough.

.... but...

The White House confirmed that the President would be in Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace prize.

The gap between hopes of what Mr Obama can do and reality was on show this week when another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Rajendra Pachauri of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said he thought the President should be doing more. Instead, the Obama Administration is seeking to lower expectations before Copenhagen by drawing attention to its short tenure in office, the long years of US foot-dragging on climate change under his predecessor and recent progress on domestic climate change legislation.

Wow! Where to start...
  1. Skipping Copenhagen ... after all the criticism of Bush and Kyoto.
  2. Clogged domestic agenda ... how America-centric of you Barack. What about all those campaign promises?
  3. Lowering expectations... mmm thats a lot like the recession and our economy. Over-promise, then lower expectations... then blame your predecessor
  4. Blame game... When will we stop blaming Bush when you fail to deliver on your promises.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Chicago Way

The Chicago Way

From the Wall Street Journal - a real news source

When Barack Obama promised to deliver "a new kind of politics" to Washington, most folk didn't picture Rahm Emanuel with a baseball bat.
A White House set on kneecapping its opponents isn't, of course, entirely new. (See: Nixon) What is a little novel is the public and bare-knuckle way in which the Obama team is waging these campaigns against the other side.
What makes these efforts notable is that they are not the lashing out of a frustrated political operation. They are calculated campaigns, designed to create bogeymen, to divide the opposition, to frighten players into compliance. The White House sees a once-in-a-generation opportunity on health care and climate. It is obsessed with winning these near-term battles, and will take no prisoners.
There's also the little fact that many Americans voted for this president in thrall to his vow to bring the country together. It's hard to do that amid gunfire, and voters might just notice.

White House fails to ban FoxNews from Press Pool

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.

The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to manipulate other news networks into isolating and excluding Fox News, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency.

But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks consulted and decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.

The administration relented, making Feinberg available for all five pool members and Bloomberg TV.

The pushback came after White House senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC News' "This Week" on Sunday that Fox News is not a real news organization and other news networks "ought not to treat them that way."

Media analysts cheered the decision to boycott the Feinberg interview unless Fox News was included, saying the administration's gambit was taking its feud with Fox News too far. President Obama has already declined to go on "Fox News Sunday," even while appearing on the other Sunday shows.

"I'm really cheered by the other members saying "No, if Fox can't be part of it, we won't be part of it,'" said Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik, calling the move to limit Feinberg's availability "outrageous."

Barack: Own your Presidency

If you read one post this week, read this one:

At a certain point, a president must own a presidency. For George W. Bush that point came eight months in, when 9/11 happened. From that point on, the presidency—all his decisions, all the credit and blame for them—was his. The American people didn't hold him responsible for what led up to 9/11, but they held him responsible for everything after it. This is part of the reason the image of him standing on the rubble of the twin towers, bullhorn in hand, on Sept.14, 2001, became an iconic one. It said: I'm owning it.

Mr. Bush surely knew from the moment he put the bullhorn down that he would be judged on everything that followed. And he has been. Early on, the American people rallied to his support, but Americans are practical people. They will support a leader when there is trouble, but there's an unspoken demand, or rather bargain: We're behind you, now fix this, it's yours.

President Obama, in office a month longer than Bush was when 9/11 hit, now owns his presidency. Does he know it? He too stands on rubble, figuratively speaking—a collapsed economy, high and growing unemployment, two wars. Everyone knows what he's standing on. You can almost see the smoke rising around him. He's got a bullhorn in his hand every day.

It's his now. He gets the credit and the blame. How do we know this? The American people are telling him. You can see it in the polls. That's what his falling poll numbers are about. "It's been almost a year, you own this. Fix it."


The president doesn't seem to like this moment. Who would? He and his men and women have returned to referring to what they "inherited." And what they inherited was, truly, terrible: again, a severe economic crisis and two wars. But their recent return to this theme is unbecoming. Worse, it is politically unpersuasive. It sounds defensive, like a dodge.

The president said last week, at a San Francisco fund-raiser, that he's busy with a "mop," "cleaning up somebody else's mess," and he doesn't enjoy "somebody sitting back and saying, 'You're not holding the mop the right way.'" Later, in New Orleans, he groused that reporters are always asking "Why haven't you solved world hunger yet?" His surrogates and aides, in appearances and talk shows, have taken to remembering, sometimes at great length, the dire straits we were in when the presidency began.

This is not a sign of confidence. Nor were the president's comments to a New York fund-raiser this week. Democrats, he said to the Democratic audience, are "an opinionated bunch." They always have a lot of thoughts and views. Republicans, on the other hand—"the other side"—aren't really big on independent thinking. "They just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, ya'll thinkin' for yourselves." It is never a good sign when the president gets folksy, dropping his g's, because he is by nature not a folksy g-dropper but a coolly calibrating intellectual who is always trying to guess, as most politicians do, what normal people think. When Mr. Obama gets folksy he isn't narrowing his distance from his audience but underlining it. He shouldn't do this.

But the statement that Republicans just do what they're told was like his famous explanation of unhappy voters are people who "cling to guns or religion." (What comes over him at fund-raisers?) Both statements speaks of a political misjudgment of his opponents and his situation.They show a misdiagnosis of the opposition that is politically tin-eared. Politicians looking to win don't patronize those they're trying to win over.


But the point on the We Inherited a Terrible Situation and It's Not Our Fault argument is, again, that it is worse than unbecoming. It is unpersuasive.

How do we know this? Through the polls. In all of the major surveys, the president's popularity has gone down the past few months. A Gallup Daily Tracking Poll out this week reported Mr. Obama's job approval dropped nine points during the third quarter of this year, that is between July 1 and Sept. 30, when it fell from 62% to 53%. It was the biggest such drop Gallup has ever measured for an elected president during the same period of his term. A Fox News poll out Thursday showed support for the president's policies falling below 50% for the first time. Ominously for him, independents are peeling off. In 2006 and 2008 independents looked like Democrats. They were angry and frustrated by the wars, they sought to rebuke the Bush White House. Now those independents look like Republicans. They worry about joblessness, debts and deficits.

The White House sees the falling support. Thus the reminder: We faced an insuperable challenge, we're mopping up somebody else's mess.

The Democratic Party too sees the falling support, and is misunderstanding it. The great question they debated last week was whether the president is tough enough: Does he come across as too weak? It is true, as the cliché has it, that it's helpful for a president to be both revered and feared. But this president is not weak, that's not his problem. He willed himself into the presidency with an adroit reading of the lay of the land, brought together and dominated all the constituent pieces of victory, showed and shows impressive self-discipline, seems in general to stick to a course once he's chosen it, though arguably especially when he's wrong. His decision to let Congress write a health-care bill may yield at least the appearance of victory. And if Mr. Obama isn't twisting arms like LBJ, and then giving just an extra little jerk to snap the rotator cuff just for fun, the case can be made that day by day he's moving the Democrats of Congress in the historic direction he desires. All his adult life he's played the long game, which takes patience and skill.

The problem isn't his personality, it's his policies. His problem isn't what George W. Bush left but what he himself has done. It is a problem of political judgment, of putting forward bills that were deeply flawed or off-point. Bailouts, the stimulus package, cap-and-trade; turning to health care at the exact moment in history when his countrymen were turning their concerns to the economy, joblessness, debt and deficits—all of these reflect a misreading of the political terrain. They are matters of political judgment, not personality. (Republicans would best heed this as they gear up for 2010: Don't hit him, hit his policies. That's where the break with the people is occurring.)

The result of all this is flagging public support, a drop in the polls, and independents peeling off.

In this atmosphere, with these dynamics, Mr. Obama's excuse-begging and defensiveness won't work.

Everyone knows he was handed horror. They want him to fix it.

At some point, you own your presidency. At some point it's your rubble. At some point the American people tell you it's yours. The polls now, with the presidential approval numbers going down and the disapproval numbers going up: That's the American people telling him.

Hey Barack! You won, we get it, stop campaigning 

... something more sinister is afoot in Mr. Obama's carefully plotted campaign to destroy his perceived enemies in the press, television and even business. Rush Limbaugh is only the face of the opposition, and the ultimate target of the White House scheme is to marginalize and destroy the Republican Party first, and then everyone else unwilling to get in the lockstep parade toward the hazy dream of Utopia.

Mr. Obama and his White House can't seem to get their brains around the fact that the election of '08 is over, and he won. A candidate feeds on red meat, but a president is the president of everyone, and must set a different table. Mr. Obama campaigned with promises of a post-racial, post-partisan, post-rancor administration, and millions of Americans responded with enthusiasm. The candidate who said he took inspiration from Abraham Lincoln of Illinois now acts as if he takes inspiration from the distinguished statesmen of the Third World, where press opposition to the leader is usually a bloody no-no.

The remarkable White House attempt to define which news organization is legitimate and which is not began in August, as Mr. Obama's poll numbers began a dramatic slide. Suddenly the man who yearns to be the permanent president of the Student Body, loved by all and adored by the co-eds and their mamas, is rendered human after all. Anita Dunn, the director of White House communications, says that when the administration began planning for autumn (with important gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia), the president "needed to be more aggressive in defining what the choices are, and in protecting and pushing forward our agenda."

Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and Fox News are big enough to take care of themselves, but the implications of what the Obamanauts are trying to do are scary, indeed. Brisk and even brutal opposition is something every president must endure; it's a pity that Mr. Obama skipped school the day the class studied American history. The candidate insists that the critics who scoff that he isn't really the messiah, but another Chicago politician, are just being cynical. This week Ms. Dunn insisted that the Obama image is intact. "He's who he has always been." So we are learning, to widespread sorrow.

Obama's 'Chicago-style politics:' Boehner

Obama's 'Chicago-style politics'

Republicans are accusing the Obama White House of an offensive offensive strategy for its critics -- which lately include FOX News Channel's most vocal commentators.

Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, on the Senate floor, has accused the president of reviving the old "enemies list'' of Nixon days , this from a guy who served the Nixon White House as a young man. Those enemies include the insurance industry.

And now House Republican Leader John Boehner says the White House's attack tactics are nothing short of "Chicago-style politics.''

"The White House and congressional Democrats know that their liberal special-interest agenda is not very popular,'' Boehner (R-Ohio) said at his weekly press briefing today. "And now they are following a familiar pattern: when you can't win an argument based on the facts, launch vicious political attacks.

"This Chicago-style politics is shutting the American people out and demonizing their opponents,'' Boehner asserted.

"They are writing the health care bill in secret, even though the president called for all of this to be out on an open table and have C-SPAN cameras in the room,'' he said. "Instead, Democrats are targeting those who don't fall immediately in line - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, doctors, Fox News. (talk radio, insurance companies, republicans, governors, military generals)

The Administration promised during the campaign that they were going to usher in an era of 'post-partisanship' in here in Washington,'' the House Republican leader said, "but what they are doing is flat-out despicable."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

7,000 Americans a day losing their lifeline

From CNN (a real news source)

7,000 Americans a day losing their lifeline

NEW YORK ( -- Another day, another 7,000 people run out of unemployment benefits.

One month after the House passed a bill extending unemployment benefits, the issue is still being debated in the Senate.

Democratic leaders in the Senate introduced a bill two weeks ago to lengthen benefits in all states by 14 weeks. Those that live in states with unemployment greater than 8.5% would receive an additional six weeks.

Senate Republicans, who twice objected to swift passage of the bill by unanimous consent, want to add several amendments. Their requests include paying for the increased benefits with stimulus funds rather than by extending a longstanding federal unemployment tax through June 2011


And that is what happens when the "stimulus" contains handouts and not incentives. We can't keep spending money to extend the safety net indefinitely, at some point we need to incentivize growth and not sustain the safety net.

Results of the Iraq Surge

Results of the Iraq Surge:

Army Spc. Nicholas Pieniazek of Delanson, N.Y., tries to block a shot by an Iraqi soldier during a recent soccer game at a post southeast of Baghdad. Improved security has created free time for U.S. troops.

Army Spc. Nicholas Pieniazek of Delanson, N.Y., tries to block a shot by an Iraqi soldier during a recent soccer game at a post southeast of Baghdad. Improved security has created free time for U.S. troops.

Because of new rules that require Iraqi approval for all U.S. missions, and a general decline in violence nationwide, many of the 117,000 U.S. troops stationed in Iraq say they now have more idle time than at any previous point in the six-year war.
In related news:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stimulate this!

7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs

America Now Over 6 Million Jobs Shy of Administration's Projections
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The table below compares the White House's February 2009 projection of the number of jobs that would be created by the 2009 stimulus law (through the end of 2010) with the actual change in state payroll employment through September 2009 (the latest figures available). According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs. To see how stimulus has failed your state, see the table below.

Good Work North Dakota!!

CNN: Not a "real" news source

Front cover of

For the first time since Obama took office, fewer than half of Americans agree with the president on issues important to them, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Tuesday. A majority, 51 percent, disagree -- a jump of 10 percentage points since April.

Despite the majority disagreement on issues, the poll also found the president's approval rating remains in the healthy mid-50s. And two-thirds of Americans say he has the personal qualities a president should have.

Sooo people don't like his ideas or his actions, but they still like him... hmmm that makes no sense.

Any rate, Rassmusen polls voters, CNN polls everyone.



This guy has a ton of these videos on Youtube.

Down in the polls

Rasmussen Reports

Oh, don't believe Rasmussen??

Try CNN:

Mo' Bailout, Mo' Bailout

SigTARP Neil Barofsky, overseer of the $700 billion TARP program, says the cost to taxpayers will be a lot greater than the government is letting on.

Oh no, CNN is critical of Chairman Obama?? CNN is not a real news network.

It's unclear exactly how much the government had to borrow to pay for TARP. But according to Barofsky's report, the government paid for 46% of its expenditures in 2009 by issuing new debt, compared with the 10-year average of 9%.

Issuing new debt... printing money. 46% of the bailout came from thin air!

Monetizing the debt. Not only did we spend a lot of money, but we didn't even use real money to pay for it.

And now they want to extended the bailout! So typical of anything the government touches, when things are failing its obviously because we aren't throwing enough money at it... could it be that the money is the problem??

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals

Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals

This is a great article. To the point, brief, well put.


You'd think it's October 2008, the final month in the Obama presidential candidacy, rather than October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. Yet the Obama White House is in full campaign mode -- maybe because it needs to mask the shortcomings of the Obama presidency.

Take, for example, all the talk of inheriting the worst economy since the 1930s crisis. That came in response to the news that the federal deficit hit $1.4 trillion.

Yet just a few months ago, the Obama camp was singing a little different tune. It was under criticism for the $787 billion stimulus package it bulldozed through Congress on grounds that massive spending was needed to keep the unemployment rate from breaching 8 percent. When joblessness hit 9.5 percent in June, Vice President Joe Biden said, "We misread how bad the economy was."

They inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, or the economy turned out to be worse than they thought. Which is it? It can't be both -- unless your brain is completely addled by the Obama charisma.

Obama is still popular, but polls show the public losing faith in his policies. Another indicator was a ''Saturday Night Live'' skit lampooning Obama for the major accomplishments of his administration -- "jack and squat." If the honeymoon is ending with the American voter, it isn't for obsequious elements of the mainstream media. CNN prostrated itself by fact-checking the ''SNL'' comedy skit.


Ha! CNN "fact-checked" an SNL skit! How much more in the tank can you possibly be?! Fact-checking SNL?? Just goes to show you how thin skinned Obama and his supporters are.