Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why losing the Olympics matter

First of all, Barack made this plea personal:

"I would make the case in Copenhagen personally, if I weren't so firmly committed to making -- making real the promise of quality, affordable health care for every American. But the good news is I'm sending a more compelling superstar to represent the city and country we love, and that is our First Lady, Michelle Obama.... I share the conviction that bringing the Games to the United States ... I support this bid... I promise you this: Chicago will make America proud, and America will make the world proud"

Secondly, he lied:

"Our nation, from the local to the national level, is committed to the success of these Games. The Chicago City Council unanimously supports this bid. Both Houses of the United States Congress support this bid. I support this bid.... the United States supports this bid"

Thirdly, he begged:

"We want these Games. We want them. We want to host these Games. "

He pleaded:

"And, I promise you, we are fired up about this."

More Chicagoans don't want this than do, the city is completely divided on the idea not to mention the funding. And that was a major reason the bid was rejected. The IOC wanted a 100% public funding guarantee, Chicago was split on that.

He personalized this plea as if the IOC and the World should award this to Chicago merely because Barack Obama a) asked and b) is from there. Can we say E-G-O?? As if there are not more substantive criteria the IOC was using to award these games. Chicago is plagued with violence and protest right now and have not provided accurate planning and funding that warrants winning these games. Barack merely asking, neh begging, does not change this.

He was begging, its embarrassing to make a personal impassioned plea and then lose. This is no different (though much more minor) than what he is trying to do at the UN and in White House ... he thinks that his holy presence will sway support. ... it won't.

Sadly, when he fails like this we instantly here cries of RACISM and BUSH. Really?? Get over it, get over Obama.

"We know the world loves Obama. What the action by the International Olympic Committee demonstrates is that being loved isn’t the same as being influential or taken seriously or respected or feared -- the traits of many of Obama’s predecessors in the presidency."

... i think that sums it up well.

He is a joke.

The IOC doesn't take him seriously. Iran doesn' take him seriously. Russia is stepping around him. China is stepping over him. Hugo Chavez and Castro laugh at him... and dictators praise him in public (which is the ultimate insult because they are really screwing him behind his back)

1 comment:

  1. A poll from February:

    A poll from last month:

    Split on the idea:
    A poll this month by the Chicago Tribune found a split: 47% support the Olympic plan, and 45% oppose it.

    Split on the funding:
    75 percent of all those surveyed said they were against the use of tax money to cover any financial shortfalls
