Saturday, October 31, 2009

ABC: $160,000 Per Stimulus Job? White House Calls That 'Calculator Abuse'...

ABC: $160,000 Per Stimulus Job? White House Calls That 'Calculator Abuse'...

The White House argues that the actual job number is actually larger than 640,000 -- closer to 1 million jobs when one factors in stimulus jobs added in October " Vice President Biden said today.

So let's see. Assuming their number is right -- 160 billion divided by 1 million. Does that mean the stimulus costs taxpayers $160,000 per job?

Jared Bernstein, chief economist and senior economic advisor to the vice president, called that "calculator abuse."

It gets better...

Of the 640,329 jobs cited today, White House officials said 80,000 were in the construction sector and more than half -- 325,000 -- were education jobs, despite President Obama's claim in January that 90 percent of the stimulus jobs would be in the private sector.

Half the jobs saved were education jobs?? How does that stimulate anything?!!!


  1. Growing the government = stimulus in bizzaro Obama land.

  2. Stimulus jobs != tax payer money + printing money + saving government jobs.
