Tuesday, February 10, 2009

#1 car manufacture in China??? GM

Can someone explain this to me?


The #1 selling car manufacture in China is GM.

So the Big 3 can sell cars just fine in China

Toyota, Honda and Hyundai have dozens of profitable plants in America

But Michigan is broke, unemployed and getting bailout money.

Is it just me or does this seem backwards? 


  1. This is a cultural thing. A GM car is viewed as a status symbol in China. All the high ranking gov't officials and movie stars drove GM back in the day, before cars were widespread in China. So now as people are able to afford cars, they buy that status dream car. Specifically Buick and Cadillac, IIRC.

  2. My uncle used to own a Camaro in Japan and it was the shit.

    Here it's white trash, there it's a status symbol.
