Friday, February 6, 2009

Pirates: 1, Ukraine: 0

Somali Pirates Free Ship, But Doubts Remain on Cargo's Destination

So now we deal with terrorists? Because that's basically what these guys are. They took hostages and threatened to kill them and sell the cargo to some unsavory Muslims if they weren't paid 35 million dollars. Now they only got a tenth of that, but come on, $3.2 mil is a lot of money. I feel like Seth should address this with Seth and Amy's "REALLY?!?" You sent a cargo ship through pirate infested waters containing 33 T-72 tanks, some anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers, etc, but you couldn't spare a few AK-47s for the crew? REALLY? Then it gets hijacked. The ship is at a known pirate port city, surrounded by US warships, but you paid the ransom? Really!?! Come on, British SAS love to do wet work. Send them in and make an example of these clowns. Or worst case, just sink the damn thing so nobody gets the armory on board. But instead, they were paid and now the pirates will return to hijack again. But this time they will be even better equipped. with brand new speed boats and shiny new weapons, paid for by Waterlux AG, the same schmucks the pirates will probably target again now that they know how sensitive the cargo is. Really?!?!

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