Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Anti-Vegas President

Casinos and gaming companies have already been explicitly excluded from bailout money [1], despite Las Vegas being one of the hardest hit cities in this recession. We have one of the highest unemployment rates (over 8% and climbing) and highest foreclosure rates [3].

Today Obama made comments that companies receiving bailout money should not have conferences or corporate events in Vegas even though Vegas is often cheaper than other cities because of the cheap hotel rooms and availability of convention space. [2]

As of this posting, four large corporations (one of which did not receive bailout money) have canceled their Vegas corporate events for this year. Vegas makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year off of events like this, and the people depend on them to pay their mortgages.

Why doesn't he throw other cities under the bus? So it's OK to spend taxpayer money going to New York, but not Las Vegas? The hotel rooms in NY are way more expensive.

People in Vegas depend on the tourism and gaming industries and Obama seems to think that we're less important than people who make shitty cars in Detroit, or people who don't work at all.



  1. I have news for the idiots in Vegas who turned our state blue in November. You should be rooting FOR the corporations and FOR our casinos. Obama does nothing but demonize the private sector, even though it's the private sector that creates a good economy and employs us. It's not the government that does that!

    Obama's not going to pay your bills. He's just going to get in the way of that evil corporation trying to pay your bills.

    We need to end this pro-socialism and anti-capitalism Obamamania in our country.

  2. I head the Mayor of Las Vegas on CNN last night and I heard Obama's bashing of Vegas.

    I think the Mayor is rightfully pissed. He associated an entire city with corporate excess. He basically made it taboo for ANY company to visit Vegas for a conference or meeting. When any company (of which many are still very successful) tries to get funding for a conference or meeting they are not going to be able to chose Vegas because the President has associated Vegas with 'Waste'.

    The difference between Vegas and say NYC or Atlanta is that Vegas' life blood is corporate meetings and conferences, that is what keeps the hotels booked, employees staffed, shows up and running, gambling revenues flowing.

  3. Communist News Network political analyst David Gergen:

    "What do you do about the couple that has been paying their mortgage ... and next door there's another couple that's been delinquent, that's been out spending money, going to Las Vegas, having a lot of fun time," Gergen said. "Is it fair to the first couple when the second couple gets bailed out?"

  4. I hate Gergen, that guy drives me nuts.

    But I agree with this.

  5. I agree with what he's basically saying, but I don't agree with all this bashing of Vegas all the time, even though it can be one of the cheapest places to visit or have a conference.

  6. Update to original post: Vegas unemployment has gone up. It's now 10% and rising. Thanks for those corporate cancellations Obama!

    Another related article:

  7. Stay away from convention cities... tax payers pay more!

    Convention cities have more hotels, cheaper hotels, easier flights, cheaper flights, cheaper food and better facilities.... dont go there!

  8. Because all they care about is the public perception, not actually saving money. Jackasses.

  9. Another comment made today: "You can't go to Vegas, and blow all your college money!"
