Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A rocky first few weeks

A rocky first few weeks

Obama sputters out of the gate -- but don't fear yet. 

By Camille Paglia (uber-liberal who I happen to agree with more than I would like)

Some highlights:

Money by the barrelful, by the truckload. Mountains of money, heaped like gassy pyramids in the national dump. Scrounging packs of politicos, snapping, snarling and sending green bills flying sky-high as they root through the tangled mass with ragged claws. The stale hot air filled with cries of rage, the gnashing of teeth and dark prophecies of doom.


President Obama was ill-served by his advisors (shall we thump that checkered piñata, Rahm Emanuel?), who evidently did not help him to produce a strong, focused, coherent bill that he could have explained and defended to the nation before it was set upon by partisan wolves. To defer to the House of Representatives and let the bill be thrown together by cacophonous mob rule made the president seem passive and behind the curve.


Speaking of talk radio (which I listen to constantly), I remain incredulous that any Democrat who professes liberal values would give a moment's thought to supporting a return of the Fairness Doctrine to muzzle conservative shows. (My latest manifesto on this subject appeared in my last column.) The failure of liberals to master the vibrant medium of talk radio remains puzzling. To reach the radio audience (whether the topic is sports, politics or car repair), a host must have populist instincts and use the robust common voice. Too many Democrats have become arrogant elitists, speaking down in snide, condescending tones toward tradition-minded middle Americans whom they stereotype as rubes and buffoons. But the bottom line is that government surveillance of the ideological content of talk radio is a shocking first step toward totalitarianism.


  1. I listen to Dave Ramsey's financial advice show on XM and AM. He has good advice, and it just happens to be on while I'm driving home.

    Last night Ramsey started his show going off about how Obama has used crisis and fear to get elected and gain control over government. He was calling him a evil totalitarian dictator.

    He was saying that instead of trying to motivate Americans to get out of the recession, he's doing the exact opposite. Obama's telling people that there's nothing they can do besides wait for the government to fix our economy. But in reality, it's the private sector that makes a difference.

    It's frightening to me that the guy on everybody's t-shirt, the messiah, gives such depressing doomsday speeches. It's quite the turnaround from "hope and change" and "yes we can."

    "YES WE CAN elect me."


  2. Obama's like Oprah giving away shit on her show, but it's actually tax dollars he wants to give away.

    Oh gracious lord Obama, I pray to you, please give my family some place to live!

  3. I like Dave Ramsey. He is all about people fixing the financial problems they got themselves into by spending less, saving more and being smart with your money. I find it inspirational to hear all the people that have solved their own problems with a little common sense and sacrifice.

  4. "We need more than a vehicle... We need our own kitchen and bathroom."

    Pay your fvcking mortgage then or rent a place that you can afford. Work 4 jobs mon!

  5. But she's the celebrated American, and people like us who go to work are the targets.

    It's the War On Achievement.

    Sorry that I didn't make bad choice after bad choice after bad choice in my life until my savior arrived on 1/20/2009.

  6. Watch in the video I posted above, a woman in white on the left at 0:40. She says, "I love you Barrack." You can read her lips. Creepy.
