Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Embracing Diversity through Honor Killings

Honor Killing in Buffalo

Sharia Law in action!

Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband — an influential member of the local Muslim community — reported her death to police Thursday. Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.

This is a great story, it’s horrible, but so ironic and hypocritical that you just have to laugh. Let me sum it up in case there is any confusion: A young couple starts a TV station with the dream of portraying Mulsims in a more positive light. They called it “Bridges” because they wanted to “build bridges” between the Muslim community and the non-Muslim communities to foster a better understanding of Muslim culture in American.

Awww isn’t that sweet?

Turns out their dream of portraying Muslims in a positive light took a turn for the worst when
Aasiya Z. Hassan wanted a divorce from her marriage which of course was under
Shariah law. And of course under Shariah law the husband can commit honor killings when his family has been embarrassed and obviously divorce is every embarrassing (beheadings are also sort of embarrassing in America, but that is a biased hate mongering American opinion). 

I truly wonder if a bridge can be built so that we can foster a better understanding of Muslim culture, I want to better understand Muzzammil Hassan embarrassment. I feel if only there were a TV station where I could better understand Muslim culture I would have a better grasp on what Muzzammil Hassan is going through… this poor guy. Can you believe his wife wanted to divorce him? How embarrassing. Her head obviously wasn’t in the marriage.  Maybe she was too head strong for Muzzammil. This clearly wasn’t the way for her to get a head in life.

In case you want to read more about Sharia Law and Honor Killings. Think about it, maybe you should build better bridges like Muzzammil Hassan. Can’t we all be like Muzzammil and embrace our diversity and understanding?

In side note: This took place in Orchard Park… for the love of god/allah can’t this city catch a break?

Bridges TV is a 24x7 television network in English. The purpose of Bridges TV is to build a dialog between 300 million Americans and 1 billion Middle Eastern & South Asian people. The network accomplishes this by entertaining and educating America and the World like never before.


  1. I used to think all Muslims were terrorists, but Muzzammil Hassan really reached me. Now I know they're just regular people who do honor killings.

  2. I don't remember seeing "Honor Killing" as an option on Smykowski's "Jump To Conclusions" mat.

    I think the only "biased hate mongering American opinion" here is how you've jumped to the honor killing conclusion. Hassan, a non-practicing Muslim, has been married twice before, once to a non-Muslim. Both ex-wives still have their heads. Both divorces were due to domestic violence. Domestic violence is unfortunately universal, and to point out this case simply because of the offender's last name is a bit of bigotry.

    But, he was a University of Rochester grad, so maybe we can blame Rochester for this?

    I'll admit beheading is crazy. This guy was crazy. But a Chinese kid just beheaded a classmate at Virginia Tech last week. A Japanese man beheaded a greyhound passenger last year. A Michigan teen beheaded a man in 2007. It happens. Lock them up. Throw away the key. But don't jump to motive conclusions.

  3. hi
    i'm muslim iranian
    your post is false . you are sudden .i know the first terrorists is Israeil .
    down with Israeil
