Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fickle Europeans

Those fickle Europeans...

Paris rejects 'Obama-style' economic program...
EU attacks 'Buy American' clause, seeks removal from stimulus... 

The EU has increased its pressure on the US to reconsider the "Buy American" clause in the $800bn (£567bn) economic recovery package now before Congress.

British Conservative Members of the European Parliament warned of the dangers of "a new economic iron curtain" being drawn across Europe.

The clause "sends a terrible protectionist signal to the rest of the world, and particularly the EU"

"We regard this legislation as setting a very dangerous precedent at a time when the world is facing a global economic crisis."

There is also opposition from some senior US Republicans who say the measure could start trade wars.

Mr Obama has urged the US Congress not to delay his stimulus plan over modest differences.

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