Friday, May 29, 2009

What are the consequences of our actions?

If you really want to make an attempt to understand the geo-financial and global economic impact of our defict spending (which has quadrupled under Obama) please take a couple minutes to read this article from Bloomberg. Its not biased, its well written and detailed. 

Shrinking Economy

Bonds usually rally when the economy is in recession and inflation is subdued. Gross domestic product dropped at a 5.7 percent annual pace in the first quarter, after contracting at a 6.3 percent rate in the last three months of 2008, according to the Commerce Department.

This time it’s different because the Congressional Budget Office projects Obama’s spending plan will expand the deficit this year to about four times the previous record, and cause a $1.38 trillion shortfall in fiscal 2010. The U.S. will need to raise $3.25 trillion this year to finance its objectives, up from less than $1 trillion in 2008, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc., one of 16 primary dealers of U.S. government securities that are obligated to bid at Treasury auctions.

“The deficit and funding the deficit has become front and center,” said Jim Bianco, president of Bianco Research LLC in Chicago. “The Fed is going to have to walk a fine line here and has to continue with a policy of printing money to buy Treasuries while at the same time convince the market that this isn’t going to end in tears with fits of inflation.”

Welcome to Obamunism

Since Chairman Barack took office...
  • Nationalized the worlds largest insurance company
  • Nationalized the countries 2 largest mortgage providers 
  • Took a controlling stake in the banking industry
  • Forced CEO's of the Banking and Auto industry to resign
  • Took a 70%+ ownership in GM
  • Forced Chrysler into bankruptcy and forced a sale to Italian Fiat
  • Proposed and passed the largest budget in the nations history 
...and what do we have to show for it?

The latest increase raises federal obligations to a record $546,668 per household in 2008, according to the USA TODAY analysis. That's quadruple what the average U.S. household owes for all mortgages, car loans, credit cards and other debt combined.

"We have a huge implicit mortgage on every household in America — except, unlike a real mortgage, it's not backed up by a house," says David Walker, former U.S. comptroller general, the government's top auditor.

So whats next? My predictions:

  • Tax payer funded health care for all - its already been drafted and making it way through Congress. Its going to make private health care impossible to afford and push the entire nation into socialized health care. 
  • Student loan debt forgiveness - all the 'crushing' debt that thousands of liberal arts majors took on to pay for their private university educations and advanced degrees that left them with low paying jobs is going to get a bailout from Joe Taxpayer
  • 401k 'reform' - first the maximum contribution will be capped and then reduced. Then existing 401k's will be taxed and absorbed into a federally manage pension plan (that 'reform' has already been drafted in congress btw)
  • Cap and trade - instant tax on everyones energy needs. Money is dumped into renewable pipe dreams. That bill is also making its way through congress
  • VAT tax - yep, just like the EU. National Sales Tax, but instead of being used to offset or reform the income tax it will be used in conjunction with the exiting income tax. Mark my words, Obama will call this tax code 'reform'.
  • Fairness Doctrine - except it won't be called the fairness doctrine. The first target will be AM Radio, followed by cable and then the internet
  • Income Tax increases for families making more than $200k - Another major campaign promise will be broken
  • Repeal of the 2nd Amendment - except it won't repealed, loops holes will be opened up which will nullify the 2nd Amendment. That will be the most dangerous and scary thing yet. Talk about slippery slope. Sotomayor has already legislated this.  
Welcome to Obamunism

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can you say 'Cronyism'?

"It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers. It really wasn't Chrysler's decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President's automotive task force," said attorney Leonard Bellavia.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can't fly an American flag... on Memorial Day

Texas woman asked to remove 'offensive' American flag from work cubicle...

For one Arlington woman, the answer was "no" after she hung an American flag in her office just before the Memorial Day weekend. 

McLucas' husband and sons are former military men. Her daughter is currently serving in Iraq as a combat medic. 
When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive.
McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa. McLucas said the supervisor took down Debbie's flag herself. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sotomayer - Constitution?

According to Judge Sotomayor, if your state or city bans all guns the way Washington, D.C. did, that’s okay under the Constitution.

She is one of only three federal appellate judges in America to issue a court opinion saying that the Second Amendment does not apply to states. 

Scary stuff coming from someone who has stated that the courts are "where policy is made."

Getting  a little creative with our checks and balances aren't we now?

Obama to appoint Sotomayor

“Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences,” she said, for jurists who are women and nonwhite, “our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life”

...she continued by saying that her life experience and ethnicity “will have an effect on the development of the law and on judging.” 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Liberals reacting to Obama's signing of the CC in National Parks bill

You may have heard recently that Obama is going to sign the bill to re-allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in national parks. This was something signed by Bush, but reversed when Obama took office.

There are a crap load of comments on CNN from the hippies. I found them pretty funny.

What the hell is the matter with people’s heads that this is even at issue? Why would a concealed weapon be needed anywhere, much less in a park? Where my kids may be hiking? Common sense… not so common anymore, is it?

Why, is al Qaeda recruiting grizzly bears? Just what the park rangers need – people with concealed guns running around our parks.

Absolutely not. If these people who carry guns are so afraid to go into our national parks without firearms then they should just stay at home. Our parks are supposed to be places of refuge for both humans and animals. And what will be the NRA’s excuse when the first person is killed in a national park by a stray bullet fired by some drunk idiot with a firearm? That’s the cost of maintaining our freedom? Give me a break.

No. Our animals are on the endangered list now. Just wait till some Johnny shoot-first, ask-questions-later arrives in the woods armed to the hilt and comes across a bear. The bear will be dead. Only the park ranger should be armed.

It just shows the kind of wimps who belong to the NRA–do they need a concealed weapon to protect them from ground squirrels and chipmunks? I just hope one of those freaks doesn’t open up on unsuspecting tourists in a national park. Shame on the dems for allowing it to be attached to legitimate credit card legislation.

Whats next…elementary schools and churches? Of course there shouldn’t be! Why? Whats the mortal danger thats present? Police and Military officers take extensive training to learn how to use weapons responsibly, and even they cannot get it right sometimes. How do we expect every Tom, Dick and Jane on the street to be able to use one?

Absoloutlynot! We need laws to get rid of more of the guns that are around now. WE NEED TO STOP THE VIOLENCE! In other words , no one needs a gun except for law enforment personnel.

I don’t like guns. I’ve never owned one, and have no plans to change that. I understand that the Second Amendment is fairly well-settled, but society has the right to expect gun owners to be free of a criminal record, sane, and reasonably trained in the use of their purchases. I question the sanity of anyone who feels the need to take a concealed and loaded weapon on vacation in a national park.

NO; if we allow that, where do we go to feel free, relaxed, at one with nature if we have to wonder if the person we pass on the trail thinks we looked at him the wrong way and decides to shoot us. We go out to nature to get away from all the craziness, not confront it.

Guns in parks, guns in colleges, guns everywhere. And we’re shocked every time there’s a mass killing. No. Concealed weapons should not be allowed in our national parks.

I struggled with how to reply to this nonsense…Unless you are an undercover law enforcement officer…No One should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon-anywhere. As for the National Parks… PEOPLE should not be allowed in-period…never mind if they are carrying a weapon or not….First there was the snowmobile debate, then off road 4 wheelers, now guns…We should just build a fence around the parks and let the wildlife be free from all the lunacy.

How on earth is this a good idea? The people who would want to bring concealed weapons to National Parks are the last people you would want in National Parks in the first place. We don’t need to turn these places into “Survivalist Camps.”

Someone who wants to commit a crime in a national park, does not care if it is legal to conceal their gun in that park.

There have been rapes/murders in national parks in the past. There's nothing wrong with carrying a gun which you will probably never use, just in case.

The liberals sound like the paranoid ones: "...if we have to wonder if the person we pass on the trail thinks we looked at him the wrong way and decides to shoot us..."

I can't wait until this becomes law because I'm going to shoot so many people in the Grand Canyon. Kick ass!

Cheney Speech: In Support of Jack Bauer

Cheney made some great points today about how the Obama administration loves to blame all of the terrorist attacks on ourselves. As if taking pictures of naked Arab guys gave birth to terrorism.

Also he made a very good Jack Bauer point about how the three terrorists that were water boarded were high level murdering SOBs that killed thousands of Americans. And they were tortured to prevent a further loss of lives.

Liberals are always so concerned with the rights of terrorists and criminals. They place more importance on it than the safety of innocent people.

I couldn't find the transcript of the speech, but here's Communist News Network's spin on it:

Great way to fix the economy...

Here is a bright a idea...

Let's force companies to pay workers for a week of not working!! Is this France??

How on earth will paying people not to work allow ANY company to be more efficient or productive. This is the opposite of productivity! This is the opposite of efficiency. Worst economic crisis since the Great Depression... Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask how much free sh!t can the federal government give you for doing less. 

“Honestly, as much as I appreciate this job and as much as I enjoy it, the best days of my life are and always have been the days I’m on vacation.”

Well duh! Why on earth should your job be forced to pay you to be on vacation?

Good thing Sunshine Dodge is going to have plenty of time for vacation, they are going to be so happy! Thanks Washington!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Chrysler Dealership Getting Royally Screwed

May 19, 2009
Letter from a Dodge dealer

My name is George C. Joseph. I am the sole owner of Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu, a family owned and operated business in Melbourne, Florida. My family bought and paid for this automobile franchise 35 years ago in 1974. I am the second generation to manage this business.

We currently employ 50+ people and before the economic slowdown we employed over 70 local people. We are active in the community and the local chamber of commerce. We deal with several dozen local vendors on a day to day basis and many more during a month. All depend on our business for part of their livelihood. We are financially strong with great respect in the market place and community. We have strong local presence and stability.

I work every day the store is open, nine to ten hours a day. I know most of our customers and all our employees. Sunshine Dodge is my life.

On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them. My new vehicle inventory consists of 125 vehicles with a financed balance of 3 million dollars. This inventory becomes impossible to sell with no factory incentives beyond June 9, 2009. Without the Dodge franchise we can no longer sell a new Dodge as "new," nor will we be able to do any warranty service work. Additionally, my Dodge parts inventory, (approximately $300,000.) is virtually worthless without the ability to perform warranty service. There is no offer from Chrysler to buy back the vehicles or parts inventory.

Our facility was recently totally renovated at Chrysler's insistence, incurring a multi-million dollar debt in the form of a mortgage at Sun Trust Bank.



This is beyond imagination! My business is being stolen from me through NO FAULT OF OUR OWN. We did NOTHING wrong.

This atrocity will most likely force my family into bankruptcy. This will also cause our 50+ employees to be unemployed. How will they provide for their families? This is a total economic disaster.


I beseech your help, and look forward to your reply. Thank you.


George C. Joseph
President & Owner
Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu

Their website:

Obama Urges Action On Credit Card Rules

I have to agree with Obama on this one. 

I think its sham what credit card companies are allowed to do. They set the rules to entice people to fail. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gov of Michgan on Obama shortlist for Supreme Court

"The Associated Press reported last week that Granholm is on Obama’s short list to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. "


Apparently running one of the worst run states in the Union qualifies you for U.S. Supreme Court.

I guess when being the Junior senator from Illinois qualifies your for the presidency that being the governor of Michigan can get you on the Supreme Court. 

Was Blagoevich not available? 

What about Kwame Kilpatrick? How about Elliot Spitzer?

Yo I heard Mike Vick is out of prison can we get him an Ambassadorship while we are at it?

Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican

I'm a I bigot or a facist for being happier than black Democrats from the North?

Do Democrats need a happiness bailout? 

The survey, released this week, points out several disparities based on lifestyle, beliefs and political persuasion:

  • Republicans are happier than Democrats.
  • People who worship frequently are happier than those who don't.
  • The rich are happier than the poor.
  • Whites and Hispanics are happier than blacks.
  • Married people are happier than the unmarried.
  • Dog owners and cat owners rate the same.
  • Sunbelt residents are happier than everyone else.

Seeing as how I'm a married well to do white Republican that lives in the south  I guess I should feel sad that I am happier than most people. I feel so guilty. (sigh)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Big Bad Unions...

Right to Work States

The South: The new Detroit

From the AJC this morning: 

Georgia town hopes to benefit from VW
Trenton has been hit hard by bad economy.Volkswagen expects suppliers will create nearly 10,000 jobs.

Volkswagen is the latest foreign carmaker to transform the South into the new Detroit. BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Hyundai and Nissan have set up shop from South Carolina to Mississippi. Georgia landed Kia in 2006.

When I drive north-east to Greenville SC or Charlotte NC (which I do frequently) on I-85 I pass the following:
  • Michelin's North American HQ 
  • Contientials North American HQ 
  • A BWM plant 
  • A Mercedes Plant 
  • And Nissan is up in Tenn somewhere
If I were to go north-west I would pass:
  • Pirelli's North American HQ
  • A Volkswagon plant
If I were to go south or south east I would hit:
  • A Kia plant 
  • A Hyundai plant
  • A Nissan  plant
And if you headed to Texas or Kentucky I believe you would hit 2 Toyota plants

"Above all, these states had longstanding cultures that made it difficult for unions to organize. "When the manufacturers were deciding where to open plants, they chose right-to-work states because they wouldn't have to use union labor," says U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia. Indeed, none of the major auto-assembly plants in the South is unionized"

Time was, the Big Three were the U.S. auto industry. No longer. Over the past two decades, enticed by cheap labor and massive incentives, a second auto industry has emerged: nonunion, Southern-based, and foreign-owned. Large plants, with names of Asian and European carmakers emblazoned upon them, now dot the Southern landscape. By moving aggressively into Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas, foreign manufacturers—call them the "Little Eight"—have transformed the economic geography of the nation's auto industry and the political debate surrounding its future.

Sleeping Pill Commercials: AMBIEN CR

I'm watching SNL and I was just laughing my ass off at a skit, but then I realized that it's a real commercial.

It was an AMBIENCR commercial for sleeping pills. It showed this miserable woman who became happy after taking these pills.

I actually typed the following quote in while watching the commercial. I had to rewind and pause it several times.

Sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake, with memory loss for the event, as well as behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation, and hallucinations may occur. Don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue and throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. Side effects may include next day drowsiness, dizziness and headache. In patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicidal thoughts or actions may occur. If you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. Wake up ready for your day. Ask your health care provider for two-layer AmBienCR.

WTF? Who the fuck would take that shit?

Check out one of their slogans: Have a Better Life.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Most Americans are pro-life

A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice." This is the first time a majority of U.S. adults have identified themselves as pro-life since Gallup began asking this question in 1995.

Yep. Conservatism is dead. 

Sarcasm aside, its the Republican Party that is dead... Thanks W, you killed it. 

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’ 

President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries.

Whoa! Look at the big brain on Barack! I swear he has been suffering from short term memory loss. Who is he going to blame now? "I just want to remind everyone that I inherited this deficit from myself who inherited from Bush... just to be clear, I inherited over 200 years of this crappy country, so whatever I do is really Bush's fault, or Nixon's"

He cuts $17b from a $3.5trillion budget and thinks he's Mr. Frugal. He then proceeds to blame rising health care costs as the problem that is causing the deficits... and his solution? Spend more on health care. 

Its truly amazing what he is getting away with. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Holy Contradictions Roland Martin

It's always amazing when diversity is discussed that people feel the need to use the qualifier "qualified." If you think about it, there never seems to be an assumption when white men are being discussed that they are unqualified. Their qualification is simply assumed and is inherent in their whiteness and maleness.

The whole point of affirmative action is to hold minorities to a lower standard of qualification.

Therefore, the qualified qualifier is really a product of affirmative action supporters.

If you hire/admit/promote people based on their own merits instead of their skin color, this would not be an issue.

Now, I'm sure the folks who despise affirmative action will quickly say, "See, if it weren't for affirmative action, no one would even use such terms!"

Yeah, right.

In the 17 years I've been a professional journalist, I've seen unqualified white men, white women and, yes, minorities hired and promoted, and affirmative action had nothing to do with it. People make hiring decisions based on the flimsiest of reasons, whether it's what schools they went to (such as assuming everyone from an Ivy League school is the best; no, some are incompetent), they know the right people, or they were so "articulate" that they were given a shot.

Is he talking about Obama!? hahaha

So he rips on people who "despise affirmative action" yet concludes his editorial with this statement:

It's simply time that when it comes to women or minorities, we should retire the use of word "qualified." Every job, regardless of a group targeted, should be filled with a person with the right talents, smarts and energy to get the job done.

Hiring the best should automatically mean they are qualified. Period.

Holy contradiction Roland Martin.

Obama to limit executive pay to non-bailed out companies

The Obama administration has begun serious talks about how it can change compensation practices across the financial-services industry, including at companies that did not receive federal bailout money, according to people familiar with the matter.

The initiative, which is in its early stages, is part of an ambitious and likely controversial effort to broadly address the way financial companies pay employees and executives, including an attempt to more closely align pay with long-term performance.

Among ideas being discussed are Fed rules that would curb banks' ability to pay employees in a way that would threaten the "safety and soundness" of the bank -- such as paying loan officers for the volume of business they do, not the quality
Oh, this makes perfect sense. The government can assess the quality of the work that employees do in a private company and then regulate their pay accordingly. 

Maybe Obama should be regulating baseball and basketball too, those guys get paid a lot as well. In baseball you can get a huge contract, take steroids and win or lose you still get paid millions. In football a rookie can sign a contract for $40 million in guaranteed money before they even take a snap. What does Obama have to say about that? Is Matt Stafford going to be regulated? How about Jamarcus Russel? Clearly paying that guy millions of dollars should constitute a crime, should we lock up Al Davis for this?

Obama's Overreaching Economic Policies

By George F. Will

For the first time, neither sales nor property nor income taxes are the largest source of money for state and local governments. The federal government is.

The Obama administration's agenda of maximizing dependency involves political favoritism cloaked in the raiment of "economic planning" and "social justice" that somehow produce results superior to what markets produce when freedom allows merit to manifest itself, and incompetence to fail. The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama's latest abuse of power

WSJ: 'The Obama administration's behavior in the Chrysler bankruptcy is a profound challenge to the rule of law'...

This is not unlike the approval and then retroactive tax on bank bonuses approved by Congress last month. 

The business climate is running scared right now. No one wants to get in bed with the government because they change the rules of the game (aka the law) on a whim. No one will invest in companies for fear that any potential profit (or in the case of the Chrysler bond holders, their debt) will be manipulated despite contracts that are supposed to protect (or at least manage) those investments. 

I'd encourage you all to read this article, its short and to the point and its one example of what is becoming routine by this administration. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama's auto ignorance

Chairman Barack's failed auto-logic

"... I rejected the original restructuring plan" that Chrysler LLC submitted for government loans, he said April 30 in announcing his decision to force Chrysler into bankruptcy. "... And the standard I set was high -- I challenged them to design a plan ..."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And here is where it the slippery slope starts...


Look at what governments can do when they drink the Kool-Aid. 

Britons were not "prepared to tolerate" this?

""It's a privilege to come to this country. There are certain behaviours that mean you forfeit that privilege."

Ironic that using your freedom of speech causes you to forfeit your freedom of speech. 

Let's hope Obama doesn't get wind of this 'logic'. 

Radio Free Europe... didn't REM have a song about that? Is Michael Stipe allowed in England?