Monday, May 18, 2009

Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican

I'm a I bigot or a facist for being happier than black Democrats from the North?

Do Democrats need a happiness bailout? 

The survey, released this week, points out several disparities based on lifestyle, beliefs and political persuasion:

  • Republicans are happier than Democrats.
  • People who worship frequently are happier than those who don't.
  • The rich are happier than the poor.
  • Whites and Hispanics are happier than blacks.
  • Married people are happier than the unmarried.
  • Dog owners and cat owners rate the same.
  • Sunbelt residents are happier than everyone else.

Seeing as how I'm a married well to do white Republican that lives in the south  I guess I should feel sad that I am happier than most people. I feel so guilty. (sigh)


  1. They needed a study to prove this?

    It all sounds like common sense.

    This just in: people who don't get their balls chopped off in an industrial accident are happier than people who do get their balls chopped off in an industrial accident.

  2. I thought the prevailing wisdom was "Mo money, mo problems"?

  3. Well to make that statement true, you need to add a little more: "Mo money, and real ghetto, mo problems"
