Thursday, May 21, 2009

Liberals reacting to Obama's signing of the CC in National Parks bill

You may have heard recently that Obama is going to sign the bill to re-allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in national parks. This was something signed by Bush, but reversed when Obama took office.

There are a crap load of comments on CNN from the hippies. I found them pretty funny.

What the hell is the matter with people’s heads that this is even at issue? Why would a concealed weapon be needed anywhere, much less in a park? Where my kids may be hiking? Common sense… not so common anymore, is it?

Why, is al Qaeda recruiting grizzly bears? Just what the park rangers need – people with concealed guns running around our parks.

Absolutely not. If these people who carry guns are so afraid to go into our national parks without firearms then they should just stay at home. Our parks are supposed to be places of refuge for both humans and animals. And what will be the NRA’s excuse when the first person is killed in a national park by a stray bullet fired by some drunk idiot with a firearm? That’s the cost of maintaining our freedom? Give me a break.

No. Our animals are on the endangered list now. Just wait till some Johnny shoot-first, ask-questions-later arrives in the woods armed to the hilt and comes across a bear. The bear will be dead. Only the park ranger should be armed.

It just shows the kind of wimps who belong to the NRA–do they need a concealed weapon to protect them from ground squirrels and chipmunks? I just hope one of those freaks doesn’t open up on unsuspecting tourists in a national park. Shame on the dems for allowing it to be attached to legitimate credit card legislation.

Whats next…elementary schools and churches? Of course there shouldn’t be! Why? Whats the mortal danger thats present? Police and Military officers take extensive training to learn how to use weapons responsibly, and even they cannot get it right sometimes. How do we expect every Tom, Dick and Jane on the street to be able to use one?

Absoloutlynot! We need laws to get rid of more of the guns that are around now. WE NEED TO STOP THE VIOLENCE! In other words , no one needs a gun except for law enforment personnel.

I don’t like guns. I’ve never owned one, and have no plans to change that. I understand that the Second Amendment is fairly well-settled, but society has the right to expect gun owners to be free of a criminal record, sane, and reasonably trained in the use of their purchases. I question the sanity of anyone who feels the need to take a concealed and loaded weapon on vacation in a national park.

NO; if we allow that, where do we go to feel free, relaxed, at one with nature if we have to wonder if the person we pass on the trail thinks we looked at him the wrong way and decides to shoot us. We go out to nature to get away from all the craziness, not confront it.

Guns in parks, guns in colleges, guns everywhere. And we’re shocked every time there’s a mass killing. No. Concealed weapons should not be allowed in our national parks.

I struggled with how to reply to this nonsense…Unless you are an undercover law enforcement officer…No One should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon-anywhere. As for the National Parks… PEOPLE should not be allowed in-period…never mind if they are carrying a weapon or not….First there was the snowmobile debate, then off road 4 wheelers, now guns…We should just build a fence around the parks and let the wildlife be free from all the lunacy.

How on earth is this a good idea? The people who would want to bring concealed weapons to National Parks are the last people you would want in National Parks in the first place. We don’t need to turn these places into “Survivalist Camps.”

Someone who wants to commit a crime in a national park, does not care if it is legal to conceal their gun in that park.

There have been rapes/murders in national parks in the past. There's nothing wrong with carrying a gun which you will probably never use, just in case.

The liberals sound like the paranoid ones: "...if we have to wonder if the person we pass on the trail thinks we looked at him the wrong way and decides to shoot us..."

I can't wait until this becomes law because I'm going to shoot so many people in the Grand Canyon. Kick ass!


  1. MANY of the crimes that I see reported occur in parks.

    Think about it people: Parks are places that are sparsely populate, not patrolled by police and are severely lacking in any type of communication. Rapes, robberies and kidnappings happen all the time in isolate parks.

    I don't recall EVER hearing about an accidental shooting in a park because a trained gun owner was carrying.

  2. Seriously. I read all of the homicide news, and I recall a few stories in national parks over the last couple years.

    Here's one from GA last January:,2933,321107,00.htmlI'm not saying they're unsafe. Carrying is just a precaution for that one in a million circumstance. I bet anyone who has ever been a victim of violent crime wishes they carried one. Plus it's like having two cocks. If one of your cocks could kill someone!
