Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cheney Speech: In Support of Jack Bauer

Cheney made some great points today about how the Obama administration loves to blame all of the terrorist attacks on ourselves. As if taking pictures of naked Arab guys gave birth to terrorism.

Also he made a very good Jack Bauer point about how the three terrorists that were water boarded were high level murdering SOBs that killed thousands of Americans. And they were tortured to prevent a further loss of lives.

Liberals are always so concerned with the rights of terrorists and criminals. They place more importance on it than the safety of innocent people.

I couldn't find the transcript of the speech, but here's Communist News Network's spin on it:

1 comment:

  1. More concerned about the well being of Spotted Owls, illegal immigrants and terrorists than tax paying American citizens.

    They've got the general public convinced that we just randomly picked up Iraqis and sent them to Guantanamo for torture. They were a) captured in battle and b) kept as prisoners because they have valuable information that could help save American soldiers.

    Democrats are making it sounds like these people are innocents, American citizen innocents at that.
