Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sleeping Pill Commercials: AMBIEN CR

I'm watching SNL and I was just laughing my ass off at a skit, but then I realized that it's a real commercial.

It was an AMBIENCR commercial for sleeping pills. It showed this miserable woman who became happy after taking these pills.

I actually typed the following quote in while watching the commercial. I had to rewind and pause it several times.

Sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake, with memory loss for the event, as well as behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation, and hallucinations may occur. Don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue and throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. Side effects may include next day drowsiness, dizziness and headache. In patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicidal thoughts or actions may occur. If you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. Wake up ready for your day. Ask your health care provider for two-layer AmBienCR.

WTF? Who the fuck would take that shit?

Check out one of their slogans: Have a Better Life.



  1. Have a better life... with suicidal thoughts!

  2. It also says in rare cases it may be fatal! WTF

    How about get some exercise so that you're tired. Everybody wants a pill to fix shit.
