Thursday, July 2, 2009

Add Honduras to the list...

Wow, add Honduras to the continuing list of countries Barack Obama has pissed off.

On Honduras the government overthrows their corrupt President and Barack lashes out... in Iran he is silent on a corrupt election that keep a man man in power.

"Leaders around the hemisphere, including President Obama, quickly condemned the removal of Zelaya and called it a coup. But Honduran leaders insist that the world does not understand what happened here. They say that Zelaya was found guilty by a Supreme Court tribunal, that his arrest by the military was legal and that Zelaya was attempting tocircumvent the Congress and the courts by staging a referendum vote on Sunday. The referendum, they say, could have led to a change in the constitution that would have allowed Zelaya to run for the top office again after his term ended in January 2010."

"The interim government says it took a legal course in ousting Zelaya -- the Supreme Court said it instructed the army to remove him and Congress voted in the acting president until elections to be held in November.

Opponents of Zelaya believe he was pushing the limits of democracy with his drive to extend the single four-year term of presidents to allow re-election. He faces arrest on a raft of criminal charges if he returns to Honduras."

Can someone tell me why Barack is siding with Hugo Chavez on this?

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