Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's that time of year, when people start thinking more charitably than usual. I've long felt that charities are a great alternative to government. Liberals tend to want to help people via gov't, and lobby our gov't to do so, resulting in a lot of the extra spending our conservative brothers complain about. I think conservatives will agree that charities are a good alternative to larger gov't. Instead of forcing me to hand over more money via taxes, let me choose how to spend that money for causes in which I believe. Obviously, there are some charities whose goals must ultimately involve legislation, such as wildlife preservation, but in general, I think the more we leave to charity the less we leave to gov't.

So this season, I hope everyone finds a charity and gives just a bit of your hard earned cash. There are so many to choose from. My wife gives to the ASPCA, while I give to Child's Play, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Save the Tiger Fund, and of course Teens Living with Cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Yep.

    The idea of charity and voluntary giving is often overlooked when the United States is compared to other countries government spending . One thing Americans do more than most countries, giving voluntarily.
