Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Humane Society cages Biden

To be fair, I just wanted to criticize Obama for choosing a VP that went to a breeder for a puppy. There are plenty of shelter dogs that need a safe left-wing-leaning home. Was Michael Vick the special advisor on this? 

What gives Joe? Why a pure bred dog? Are mixed breed dogs not welcome in Delaware? Are mulatto dogs not allowed on the Amtrack? Do they make them ride in the back? 


  1. Yeah people are douches about pure bred bullshit. Half those dogs are all effed up anyways, and plenty of dogs out there need homes. Mutts are almost always healthier and smarter anyways.

  2. Word. I will never get a pure bred. They are all inbred and not as healthy. Shame on you Joe! Shame!

  3. >Mutts are almost always healthier and smarter anyways.

    Word, the same goes for people. That's why I'm intellectually and physically superior to you guys. I got a wider gene pool.

  4. Yeah, you, Barack and Good Will Hunting, freakin wicked smaht.

  5. Gotta jump on the mutt bandwagon. Saw a great bumpersticker once: "Don't Breed or Buy While Homeless Pets Die."

    I saw a good show on the Discovery Channel recently about the domestication of dogs over the millenia, and how they really ARE our best friends. They would assist with the hunt, but also serve as companions, so over the centuries, a predilection for trusting and enjoying time with people was actually bred into them.

    Also, dogs have the most malleable genetic code of any mammal, which is why breeds with such wide-ranging characteristics have been developed in such a short amount of time (hundreds of years, really). Think of great danes vs. chihuahuas, bulldogs and dachshunds, Jay's dustmop and actual dustmops.
