Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Valerie Jarrett... and Rahm Emanuel

Last weeks post was about Obama's advisor Valerie Jarrett being named in the FBI investigation of the pay-for-play Blagojevich's scandal.

This week we see that Obama's Cheif of Staff Rahm Emanuel was lobbying Blagojevich to appoint Valerie Jarrett:

I'm sure Obama knew nothing about this because I'm sure his Cheif of Staff and "special" advisor don't talk to Obama or give him advice about anything. 

Nothing like an old fashion corruption scandal to kick off the new year! Now that's change we can believe in!


  1. I think it was Jimmy that said we should all give Obama a chance to lead before we criticize him. Well, so far his leadership has appointed close advisors who are connected to a corruption scandal. Can I criticize him for that?

  2. Mike, I believe I said "govern" not "lead." There's a difference. You really need to stop putting words in peoples' mouths to suit whatever snarky point you're trying to make.

    Anyway, BFD. Name a president in the last century not closely connected to a scandal of some kind.

    Seriously, this is what political discourse is coming down to in this country. Just waiting for the other team to take over and snipe them with "But...but...but, the other guy does it too!" The actors change, but the song remains the same...

  3. You are right, we'll wait until he is governing with corrupt advisors before we criticize his appointments.

    You are mincing words in regards to a legitimate debate. Obama is open for criticism for any action he makes. Appointing people who are directly connected to a corruption scandal is not snarky, its wrong and, depending on how this plays out, certainly shows poor judgment.

    And other politicians wrong doings do not absolve Obama from his.

    But...but...but, the other guy does it too!
    Name a president in the last century not closely connected to a scandal of some kind.

    Yea! Corruption! I thought Obama was different? I'm glad he and Dick Cheney have something in common.

  4. Just waiting for the other team to take over and snipe them

    I believe I praised Obama for selecting Hillary as Sec of State last month.

    Should I be balancing my criticism and praise? Or is all critique off limits?

    Let's see here... I criticized Bush for the bailout, but praised his shoe dodging skills. Ok, so that's balanced. I guess I should criticize Bush in my next post.

    Is this what political discourse is coming to?

    Seriously Jimmy, if Obama could dodge shoes as well as Bush I would have praised him too, just to be fair, don't want to hurt anyones feelings.

  5. Criticize as you wish, of course. But if you're going to quote me, get it right.

  6. From the article:
    Emanuel's discussions do not indicate he was involved in dealmaking with the governor.
    Innocent until proven guilty is still the way this country works. Blagojevich gets to pick the next senator, of course people are going to talk to him and offer opinions. It is yet to be seen if either Jarret or Emanuel are involved in the actual back-scratching that was proposed. In fact, since they haven't yet been arrested, I'd say the FBI has nothing on them.

  7. Emanuel privately urged Gov. Blagojevich's administration to appoint Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett, and the Sun-Times learned Tuesday that he also pressed that it be done by a certain deadline.

    Ok, so Emanuel wasn't "dealmaking" but he was "pressing" and "urging".

    My question is why do we now have his Chief of Staff pressing the Governor for political appointments to his special advisor?

    That in of itself may not be pay-for-play, but its the dictionary definition of cronyism.

  8. Manuel is still an Illinois congressman until January 20th, and can talk Illinois politics with other Illinois politicians to his heart's content and there is nothing suspicious or illegal about that. The words "pressing" and "urging" are words chosen by the author of this article, who is in the business of ruffling feathers to get people to talk about and link to his article, just as we have been.

    There is no story here until someone from the Justice Dept comes knocking on Emanuel's door.

  9. There is a story here, I'm reprinting that story. The Chicago Sun Times is a legitimate source and it can be quoted, reprinted and commented on.

    words chosen by the author of this article, who is in the business of ruffling feathers

    Words in a national paper edited by a respected editor based on the findings of the reporters investigation.

    News can be news without Justice Dept approval.

    The latest news is that Manuel is on the FBI tapes talking to the Gov about filling the senate seat.

    This will all play out over the next week or so, but damn! Obama is very close to this scandal like it or not.

    Chances are its nothing, but at the very least you have Obama's Chief of Staff talking to a Gov about a senate seat for which he has been arrested for trying to sell to several people one of which is a special advisor to Obama.
