Thursday, December 18, 2008

Massaging Numbers is Fun!

Whee! Finding statistics to support your worldview is fun!


  1. And according to this, Georgia has the second largest projected budget gap for FY2009, at 11.7% of the general fund.
    STATE BUDGET TROUBLES WORSEN, courtesy of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. NY isn't doing so bad, at 2.7%. Seems like Georgia needs to either raise taxes or make some serious cuts.

  2. Oops, I spoke too soon. If you read further down there is total gap for 2009, whereas the first numbers were mid-year gap. So Georgia is sitting at 12.9% and NY is 11.4%. In either case, looks like liberal or conservative politics have nothing to do with it. This is a recession, whether you're red or blue.

  3. Can you guys stop posting replies as new posts? These should all be replies to the original post. We don't need 18 posts about the same fucking thing.

  4. Ahh I see now! Because NY receives less federal money NYC should increase the tax on soda and iPod's.

    That graph really helps!

  5. It would be easier if you could embed links and images in the comments better.

  6. So Georgia is sitting at 12.9% and NY is 11.4%.

    And yet we don't have an iPod tax, weird.
