Saturday, December 13, 2008

Smoke if you got 'em

Let me first say that I personally think Obama smoking is a) his private choice and b) has zero impact on his ability to lead our country. 

I heard about this throughout the campaign and no one made an issue out of this. I mean I didn't even hear talk radio take issue with this. 

Like I said personally I don't care, but the smoking nazi's in this country should. "Obama says he wont smoke in White House" ... in the White House?? So he is going to keep smoking as long as its not in the White House?

The anti-smoking groups who have banned smoking in public places, scrubbed TV and movies of characters who smoke and even gone as far as to ban smoke in private residence should be screaming bloody murder and crucifying Obama for smoking period. 

Instead he is  a role model 
"Anti-smoking advocates are counting on Obama as a role model for others trying to kick the habit, showing them — and himself — that while it's hard, all things are indeed possible in America."

""It's a wonderful opportunity," says Cheryl Healton, president of theAmerican Legacy Foundation, a Washington-based group that seeks to prevent smoking among young people. "The president-elect is in a position to help people understand that it's difficult to quit, and to encourage the 43 million adult Americans who smoke to join him in his efforts."

That article has plenty more humorous excuses for the President-elect. 


  1. I think smoking is retarded. Our president shouldn't be retarded.

  2. Obama smoking = non-issue

    Anti-smoking groups pussy footing around it = issue

  3. "anti smoking groups"

    Fuck them. Non-entities. Non-issue.

  4. Non-entities? Then who are the people pushing all the anti-smoking legislation? Whoever those entities are please call Obama something other than a role model and a sympathetic figure.
