Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Re: Sweet Marxist Posters

Look who else has the sweet posters.

Bush joked about the incident later telling reporters: "I'm pretty good at ducking as some of you know," a reference to avoiding questions. He downplayed the significance of the display saying he didn't think "you can take one guy throwing shoes and say this represents a broad movement in Iraq. You can try to do that if you want but I don't think that would be accurate."

A day after the incident, al-Zeidi's three brothers and one sister gathered in al-Zeidi's simple, one-bedroom apartment in west Baghdad. The home was decorated with a poster of Latin American revolutionary leader Che Guevara, who is widely lionized in the Middle East.

Family members expressed bewilderment over al-Zeidi's action and concern about his treatment in Iraqi custody. But they also expressed pride over his defiance of an American president who many Iraqis believe has destroyed their country.

"I swear to Allah, he is a hero," said his sister, who goes by the nickname Umm Firas (mother of Firas, her oldest son), as she watched a replay of her brother's attack on an Arabic satellite station. "May Allah protect him."



  1. The home was decorated with a poster of Latin American revolutionary leader Che Guevara, who is widely lionized in the Middle East ... and by disaffected anti-establishment rage-against-the-machine liberal arts majors.

  2. ...so, remind me again why conservatives everywhere have a big boner over Che Guevara now? People have been wearing the shirts for years.

  3. >> have a big boner over Che Guevara

    It's not Che, its Che-poster and Che-t-shirts. I've always had issue with that.

    Two incidents in particular though:

    1) Matt wearing a Che-style t-shit with Hugo Chavez and not knowing who Hugo Chavez was.

    2) Seeing Che-style t-shirts with Obama's picture.

    But I have no problem with Che... who could possible have an issue with anyone who helps lead a revolution promising democracy and then executes all political rivals then ceases all private property while installing a Communist dictator.... but I guess only Conservatives have problems with that.

  4. Meh. Hey, how are those efforts going to put Reagan on the dime?

  5. lol, where did Matt even find a Hugo Chavez t-shirt?!?

    My favorite Che-rip is Rambo.

  6. where did Matt even find a Hugo Chavez t-shirt?!?
    Seriously, it pissed me off so bad. I was like do you even know who Hugo Chavez is? After several months of feeding him news about the horrible repression, human rights abuses and mysterious killings of political rivals he has since realized what a fvcked up place Venezuela is right now.

    Though in recent months the people actually voted NOT to give Hugo unlimited powers, I was very surprised that the vote was upheld and Hugo capitulated.

    He sure loves Russia though.

    Hugo and Putin are pissed as hell that oil is $45 a barrel, all their fortunes have evaporated. Gotta hand it to the environmentalists and the bad economy.

  7. 1) Matt wearing a Che-style t-shit with Hugo Chavez and not knowing who Hugo Chavez was.

    Just throwing this out there... You sure it wasn't Cesar Chavez on Matt's tshirt?

  8. Don't get me wrong, Hugo Chavez on a tshirt is pretty moronic... I'm just thinking Cesar Chavez makes a lot more sense for an Ivy League-educated hippy dippy california dude.

  9. Well seeing as how it said "Hugo" below an image that looked like like Hugo Chavez in a Che-style pose, I'm pretty sure it meant Hugo Chavez.

    But maybe it was Hugo Boss dressed up to look like Hugo Chavez dressed up to look like Che Guevara. Possible.
