Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big Ralph

Ralph Nader on Obama: 'Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous'...

What's your take on Obama so far?
Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous and overwhelmingly concessionary.

Is any of this enough to get you back into the political arena yourself?
It's too early to say. One thing is I always want the progressive agenda represented on the ballot, even in a rigged two-party tyranny. I wish other people would do it, but as far as me, it's too early to say.

Do you think third parties have a shot in the next elections?
Sure. They'll be called the Bloomberg Party. Some billionaire will come in like Perot and turn it into a three-way race. There's so many billionaires, and a few of them are quite enlightened. You don't need a right wing billionaire because they've already got the Republican Party.


  1. Sounds pretty much like what I've been saying, and shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Except my former "friends" on the "left."

  2. We need a new Ralph, BTW. Dude's getting way too old, and he's been creepy looking since 1967. We need a progressive voice in the country that at least comes off as moderately "electable."
