Thursday, September 17, 2009


*** Makes announcement on 70th anniversary of Soviet invasion... ***
May embolden Russia hawks...
PAPER: 'Shameful' surrender...

Add Poland and Czech Republic to the list of allies Barack is pissing off.
  • Weak on terror - close Guantanamo, give terrorist trials in US courts
  • Weak on Iran - let's them develop nuclear power, doesn't support Israel
  • Weak on Russia - caves on the missile shield
  • Weak on N. Korea - as the launch missiles towards Japan and Hawaii
  • Weak on Iranian elections - supports a fraud of an election, stays quiet while protesters are murdered in the streets of Tehran
  • Weak in Iraq
  • Weak in Afghanistan - his generals are calling for a 'surge', will he listen?
The whole world knows Barack is a n00b and they are pushing him (and America) around.

Say what you will about Bush, but the world thought he was a crazy cowboy with his finger on a button. Fragile democracies like the ones in Eastern Europe and Latin America knew America would support them. Our allies that shared borders dangerous borders like Israel and S. Korea knew America would protect them.

What does Barack do? Turns his back on them time after time.

I think he is all too comfortable relinquishing the title of Leader of the Free World.

From Wikipedia in regards to the Russian invasion of Poland in 1939:

The reaction of France and Britain to Poland's plight was muted, since neither wanted a confrontation with the Soviet Union at that stage.[41]Under the terms of the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 25 August 1939, the British had promised Poland assistance if attacked by a European power;[k] but when Polish Ambassador Edward Raczyński reminded Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax of the pact, he was bluntly told that it was Britain's business whether to declare war on the Soviet Union.[41] British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain considered making a public commitment to restore Polish statehood, but in the end he issued only general statements of condemnation.[41]

The French had also made promises to Poland, including the provision of air support, and these were not honoured. Once the Soviets moved into Poland, the French and the British decided there was nothing they could do for Poland in the short term and began planning for a long-term victory instead. The French had advanced tentatively into the Saar in early September, but after the Polish defeat, they retreated behind the Maginot Line on 4 October.[42] Many Poles resented this lack of support from their western allies, which aroused a lasting sense of betrayal.


Sound familiar??

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