Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Town Halls were not all about health care

WSJ: At August's town-hall meetings, voters often started with complaints about health care, only to shift to frustrations about all the other things President Barack Obama and the Democrats have done or tried to do since January.

A few points from the article:
  • The $787 billion economic-stimulus package
  • The government-led rescue of General Motors Corp.
  • Climate-change legislation
  • Snafus in the federal "cash for clunkers" program -- which gave people rebates to trade in gas-guzzling cars for more fuel-efficient new vehicles -- highlighted how disorganization can hamper government plans
  • It was the bloodiest month for U.S. troops so far in the war in Afghanistan
  • Attorney General Eric Holder poked a potential hornets' nest by appointing a prosecutor to investigate Central Intelligence Agency interrogators
  • White House budget forecasters said they now project $9 trillion of additional federal debt over the next decade, adding $2 trillion to an earlier estimate
  • The White House predicted an 8.5% unemployment max if we passed the stimulus, it will hit 10%+
How blinded is this Administration when they underestimate the deficit and unemployment by more than 25% and don't stop and revise their plans?? That;s sounds awfully Bushish.

"What we're seeing here is this larger debate about what the role of government is," said William McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducts The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. "The health-care debate is at that fault line.

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